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Lili Kastilio edited this page Jan 17, 2017 · 2 revisions


At WHFNP, we work to help Non-Profits with product design and software development. Project managers, like everyone else here, play an important role in getting the project out of the door.

We’re looking for Project Managers to work with our volunteer designers, developers and Non-Profit representatives to help plan, execute and deliver projects. The deadlines for these take into account the fact all participants are volunteers with full time commitments. Some projects can last only weeks, while the larger ones can take as long as a year with volunteers participating once a week and during meetups.

Your role is to identify roadblocks, possible solutions and work closely with Non-Profit representatives to optimise existing ones. You need to be a confident and capable communicator, equally at home communicating over email, phone or in person with both volunteers and the Non-Profit representatives.

You don't have to be a Project Manager currently to help with this role, but you should be willing to learn and know when to ask for help. It may be a good start to shadow a different project manager for a little bit to see what it's all about.


You are:

  • organised
  • confident
  • able to communicate clearly
  • not afraid to ask for help when needed (we have a large network of volunteers happy to jump in and help out)
  • willing to learn the skills required if you are not a Project Manager normally and happy to ask for help/mentorship to get the best out of this opportunity for both yourself and the project.


  • Liaising with the WHFNP board and Non-Profit representative regarding the project's progress including possible challenges.
  • Recruiting new team members from the WHFNP volunteers when necessary.
  • Organising periodic hack days/evening for in-person collaboration. (monthly or bi-monthly recommended)
  • Breaking down tasks and creating tickets for the team to work from using Trello, Github or Jira. (or anything else the team prefers)
  • Working closely with the Project/Technology Mentors to draft requirements at initial stages.
  • Organising regular standups (weekly work well on Slack).
  • Participate in a weekly standup in Slack with other project PMs to keep updated with other projects, flag any issues, get help and advice if needed.

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Pages are editable by all members in the womenhackfornonprofits GitHub organisation. If you're a member of WHFNP but not yet signed up to GitHub, please create an account and give @krissy, @lili, @elischutze or @raquel your GitHub username via Slack.

If you're not yet signed up to the WHFNP Slack account, please fill in this short community onboarding form and you'll be sent an invite promptly.

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