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Volunteers Looking for Projects

K Rabino edited this page Jul 13, 2016 · 1 revision

Volunteers Looking for Projects

If you are a volunteer wanting to join an active project, we advise reaching out via any of the following methods:

  1. Firstly, if you haven't signed up to WHFNP (NB: joining the Meetup group is not the same!) and want to either volunteer or just join our Slack community for advice, please fill in this short form on our website so someone can set you up with an invite.
  2. Once you're in WHFNP Slack: If you haven't already, introduce yourself in #general or #welcome-to-whfnp, with a short summary of your background and what skills you're interested in volunteering / learning. You can also check #nonprofits-needshelp to check for recent callouts, and chat to our mentors/project managers in the #whfnp-project-leads channel to point you in the right direction.
  3. Sometimes we might not have enough active projects to assign you to a team straight away. We use Slack actively to do callouts for volunteers and usually have new non-profits pitching at our monthly meetups. If you're keen to start practicing code, we have a growing list of online resources for you to use and contribute to. You're also very welcome (and encouraged) to suggest non-profit side project ideas for you and other team members to work on. If you're a project manager or experienced developer that can mentor, please join #whfnp-project-leads to stay in the loop - we will need you very soon!

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Pages are editable by all members in the womenhackfornonprofits GitHub organisation. If you're a member of WHFNP but not yet signed up to GitHub, please create an account and give @krissy, @lili, @elischutze or @raquel your GitHub username via Slack.

If you're not yet signed up to the WHFNP Slack account, please fill in this short community onboarding form and you'll be sent an invite promptly.

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