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Homebrew Filmmakers Club

Satish Goda edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 15 revisions

Homebrew Filmmakers Club

Every month, a group of creative filmmakers and creative toolmakers discuss ideas, solving problems, and creating the future that help democratize visual storytelling and allow people to create things they've not been able to do before. We record the the Zoom chat and post it to YouTube and as a Podcast.

NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 6th, 2020: 9pm ET, 8pm Central, 6pm PT.
Join Discord:
Zoom Link:
Topic: Virtual Production? Toolmaking? Designing tools that don't get in the way of creativity? Ideas?

Who: Filmmakers, Tool Makers, Hackers, Creatives who want to make the future of filmmaking.

Why: We want more people from different walks of life to tell stories and help create the future.

Format: 1 hour online chat. News. Presentation. Conversation.

Where: We are on discord: and on a monthly Zoom call.

When: Every month, Next: Monday, April 6th, 2020: 9pm ET, 8pm Central, 6pm PT.

Storytelling is the currency of ideas. Visual storytelling / Filmmaking is the most powerful form of storytelling. Up until recently, visual storytelling on a technical basis has been extremely expensive and required herculean mountain moving. Over the past ten years, we have seen amazing developments in technology that have brought the cost down and made opportunities for everyone who is interested to become filmmakers: Better/Cheaper: Computer Tech, Camera Sensors, Creative Tools like Blender, Virtual Production, LED / Lighting tech, Youtube as a delivery platform, VR, Robotics, Electronics, Collaborative / Communication tools. Wouldn't it be great if the cost and accessibility of tech could be made super available to everyone so filmmakers could focus on the most important part: the story? It's never been an easier time to make creative tools and technology, and it's never been a more important time to create and tell stories.

In the mid 70s to the mid 80s a group of computer enthusiasts would gather every 2 weeks to form the "Homebrew Computer Club". These were young creative software and hardware excited about making computers smaller, faster, easier to use and more accessible to everyone. Most famously, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs presented the Apple I Computer design there. In the spirit of the Homebrew Computer Club, we would like to create a community of likeminded people to help create the future of filmmaking / visual storytelling.

People: (Add yourself / edit your info)

Charles Forman / @charlesforman / Works on: Wonder Unit

Satish Goda / @satishgoda Works on: Pearl Studios, Netflix Animation Blender OG :

Ryan Reede / @ryreede Works on:

Sagar Ramesh / @sawgur / Works on: Oculus TV / Quill

Pasquale D'Silva / @pasql / Works on: Thinko Animation Studio

Erik Skogen / @audionerd / Works on: Wonder Unit / Storyboarder

Jamie Wilkinson / @jamiew / Works on: Definitely Friends

Dave Gorum / @davegorum / Works on: Ponder

Roxana Rodriguez / @dushirox / Works on: CR38TE

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