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Using Shot Generator to Storyboard a whole movie

Charles Forman edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 1 revision

1. Make 1 key frame for each scene


  • are they all present in the scene?
  • are they positioned correctly?
  • is there an opportunity to elevate their position?
  • are the poses good / specific to characters?

Camera placement

  • whats the line of action?
  • are the character placements clear and intentional?


  • what is the scale?
  • what is the shape?
  • can we elevate platforms to make things more interesting?
  • is the environment complex enough so we should make a custom environment?

Lighting / mood

  • whats the ambient lighting?
  • where should motivated lights be placed?
  • fog?
  • particles or images in background?

2. Create custom Environments

  • come up with a list of custom environments we need to model with notes
  • is the environment complex enough so we should make a custom environment?

3. Go through each scene and do 3 to 4 key shots within the scene

  • key points of dramatic action
  • strong poses
  • strong composition

4. Board 5 scenes

  • Identify 5 first scenes to board
  • Complete 5 scenes and pitch them

5. Board Each scene in the movie linearly

  • Start off individually
  • Collaborate in VR
  • Review and move on

6. Review video rendering of whole movie

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