Finding similar document is the problem of finding documents containing common text. The main challenge is with a large document set that causes too many pairs to compare.
There are three essential techniques for finding similar document problem.
- Shingling
- Minhashing
- Locality-sensitive hashing
Shingling converts documents into sets. The set can be a set of words appearing in a document, or it can be a set of important words. But it may not work properly as the ordering of words is not considered. k-shingles minimize the ordering problem. K-Shingles for a document is a sequence of k token appears in the document.
The class Shingles provides the abstraction in gen- erating k number of shingles for given textual document.
Shingles shingles = new Shingles (document );
Set<String> shinglings = shingles .generateShingles (4);
returns k-shingles, ie substring of length k.
computes a hash value for each shingles, and returns an ordered set of hashed k-shingles.
Set<Integer> shinglings = shingles.generateHashedShingles (4);
The Jaccard similarity of sets S and T is |S ∩ T|/|S ∪ T|
class provides an implementation for Jaccard Similarity of given sets.
JaccardSimilarity jaccardSimilarity = new JaccardSimilarity();
double similarity = jaccardSimilarity.compute(set1, set2);
A set of shingles for a document are usually large. For a million of documents, it may not possible to calculate and store all shingles-sets. Minhashing provides a way to replace a larger set of shingles with smaller representation called signatures
provides the abstraction for generating Minhashing signatures for a given set of hashed shingles.
MinHashing minHashing = new (hashedShingles, numHashFunctions, coefficients, constants);
List<Integer> signatures = minHashing.generateMinHashSingnatures();
The key idea of MinHash signature is;
- It take k independent hash functions
- Apply hash function to the elements, which result a vector of k minHash values
Minihashing compresses a large set of shingles into small signatures. But, the number of pairs in a document set can be still large for the computation. Locality-sensitive hashing
(LSH) provides a way to identify document pairs that are likely to be similar, without investigating every pair.
provides the implementation for finding possible similar pairs for a given set of minhasing signatures.
LocalitySensitiveHashing lsh = new LocalitySensitiveHashing(minHashSignatures, threshold, bands, rows, bucketSize);
Set<String> candidatePairs = lsh.generateCandidatePairs();