This repository can be applied to control the 3D printed 2 fingers parallel moving gripper. Including:
- Calibarate your gripper every time when you try to put on the external device to avoid damage.
- This class can used to control the servo, change some parameters in the servo, read the real-time status of the servo, etc.
- dynamixel_sdk: Communication Protocal
- Grasp_locater: Advanced application for intelligent grasping
- calibaration.csv: Calibaration file
Author: Qiang Wang
The installation of this project is simple, you can copy whole of this project folder to local. All required files are included in this folders, so users don't have to configurate dynamixel sdk themselves. To install the dependency python libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please check the CAD files before printing, there might be some version collision. If you have any questions please open an issue or contact
- Assemble
- Connect UR5(E) robot
- Printed product
For more, please see CAD/Pictures
For this version, we don't have the command to use the servo in the command line, you can use the API purely by python IDE.
Calibration: The purpose of calibaration is to find the position of the open limit and the close limit(two positions that tips can get) User can set their own working range by setting the above 2 limits. For calibration: open the project and run "" and follow the instruction to finish the process. After calibaration finishing, a "calibaration.csv" will be created in the working directory, please leave it there and don't remove it, because it will be used everytime in initilization. Notice: please strictly follow the instruction in the to do the calibration to avoid the damage of the gripper and your own I/O device.
Application: For the current version of application, you can use the functions in the '' for the movement of the gripper. But if you want to check the status(current, voltage, torque) or change the configuration of the gripper, please go to "". Actually, '' and "" are all built based on the "". So, if you want to don some advanced operations or do some customization, please go to "".
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.