Code that creates random user data in Apache Cassandra. Enables the capability to model random data and work with the random data in a Cassandra cluster to enable tests to be run for various different exercises.
Default generation is for 100,000 users (1000 users per thread * 100 threads)
. These settings can be changed in the code, or via the properties file
- Apache Cassandra 1.0.7
- java version "1.7.0", Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147), Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)
### property file to override application defaults
# set singleTest to true to enable the generation of one user that is not saved to Cassandra
# singleTest=true
### to specificy alternate information about the Cassandra node
# keyspace = random
# userRowKey = users
# userCf = userCf
# hostIp =
# clusterName = testCluster
### the following properties are the defaults, which will create 100,000 users
# numUsers = 1000
# numThreads = 100
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