Continued development over here
The Most Useless Clock in the World is being converted to run on cheaper hardware but the new software is still a work in progress. Until it is complete, the clocks I make will run this software.
- Your Pico W should have a reset button on it
- DST setting button goes to GPIO 11
- Segment drives on GPIOs 16,17,18,19,20,21,22
- Column drives on GPIOS 12,13,14,15
- Master output control transistor goes to GPIO 10 (optional as this code doesn't use brightness control at all)
- Download the shittiest IDE of all time (Thonny)
- Connect Raspberry Pi Pico W to your computer
- Upload this sourcecode to the Pico using Thonny
- Change with your Wi-Fi credentials and UTC offset
- Reboot the Pico
- If your clock displays the time, congratulations, it worked
Hold the DST button on power on/reset. Clock will toggle DST and display new setting ("DST ON" or "DST OFF").
Public domain
Code has plenty of shitty copypastes in it that I don't know the licenses of and will not bother to find