This is an Auto-Process Tool to Download and Reorganize some Common Segmentation Datasets
- VOC2011
- VOC2012
- VOC2012AUG
- CamVid
It can achieve the following terms:
- Auto Download VOC2011, VOC2012, SBD dataset from the official website
- Reorganize the Downloaded dataset in a clear manner
- Convert SBD Ground-truth Annotation files from .mat to .png
- Generate "subval.txt" for VOC2011 and VOC2012
- Generate "train_aug.txt", "val_aug.txt" and "trainval_aug.txt" for VOC2012AUG
- Collect the Ground-truth Annotation .png files of VOC2012AUG into one folder for convenient post-processing
Follow steps below:
1 You need to register an account at to download the test set
2 Change "yourname" and "yourpassword" in lines 14 and 35 of to your registered username and password
3 cd Dataset-Tool-Segmentation
4 sh
After these steps, the dataset is located in './data/'
It can achieve the following terms:
- Auto Download CamVid Dataset for Segmentation(11 semantic classes)
- Generate "train.txt", "val.txt", "trainval.txt" and "test.txt"
Follow steps below:
1 cd Dataset-Tool-Segmentation
2 sh
After these steps, the dataset is located in './data/'