Work in progress integration of PureScript (see into Yesod.
- environment for easy PureScript development (with dev flag):
- auto refresh: sources compiled on demand or when file changes, with cache,
- convenient display of error messages.
- a way of embedding compiled PureScript into final app binary using TemplateHaskell.
- Clone repo:
git clone
- Add source to cabal sandbox:
cd yout_project_dir && cabal sandbox add-source path_to_yesod_purescript_clone
The easiest way is to look at second commit in sample's repo:
To use yesod-purescript, you have to:
- add yesod-purescript dependency to your project's cabal file,
- add a field in app's data type for PureScriptSite and add instance of YesodPurescript typeclass for your app's data type,
- add subsite route to PureScriptSite,
- put your purs files in configured subdirectories of your project;
by default those directories are:
- your code,bower_components
- dependencies (since most likely you'll use bower to get those).
- Reference your code in HTML pages.
Rather verbose step by step instructions follow.
Add yesod-purescript
to build-depends
in .cabal file.
Assuming you have basic project generated by running yesod init
Go to Foundation.hs
First add Yesod.PureScrtipt
import to this file.
Notice fields in your App data like:
appLogger :: Logger
Add similar line for PureScript at the end:
appPureScript :: PureScriptSite
Then add instance of YesodPureScript: instance YesodPureScript App
You can add this after all other instances (order does not really matter).
Go to Application.hs
- add import of
, - find
function,- add
appPureScript <- createYesodPureScriptSite def
close to top of this function.
- add
Add this line to config/routes
after auth route definition:
/purs PureScriptR PureScriptSite appPureScript
This attaches Yesod PureScript Subsite at /purs. Opening url http://localhost:3000/purs/Foo.js will try to find and compile module Foo.
There's also status page at http://localhost:3000/purs which lists loaded modules and module loading errors (if any).
Put Hello.purs in purs subdirectory:
module Hello (main)
import Control.Monad.Eff
foreign import log
"""function log(s) {
return function() {
return window.console.log(s);
}""" :: forall eff. String -> Eff eff {}
main = log "hello"
Create empty bower_components
dir in your project dir.
Start dev server and open http://localhost:3000/purs/Hello.js.
Open Handler/Home.hs.
Add import: import Yesod.PureScript (getPureScriptRoute)
Change getHomeR to reference your Hello.js script using addScript:
getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = do
(formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost sampleForm
let submission = Nothing :: Maybe (FileInfo, Text)
handlerName = "getHomeR" :: Text
defaultLayout $ do
aDomId <- newIdent
setTitle "Welcome To Yesod!"
addScript $ PureScriptR $ getPureScriptRoute ["Hello"]
$(widgetFile "homepage")