Ideally you'd clone the usual ...
go get{thing-you-want}
All of these things are really too simple to matter, but they are here so i don't constantly have to repeat myself.
From but "public" so that it can be used in many a place for many things.
Hats off dgryski.
This is the least "simple" thing here (at least for those that can't bit shift in their heads).
Ever not want to start something (or stop) but make sure start did not happen more then once? Say hello to StartStop.
If you're using sync.Pool, I bet you've created a zillion of these (byte, buffer, mutexes, wait groups) .. put them in a spot.
Having many go routines to deal with their shutdown in a nice way from a SIGINT can be painful. Especially if the routines are very disjointed. Not really connected to other ones via some channel mechanism as that would require a very large select/case tree of large proportion, when all you want is to get a "Poison Pill message" and let things empty their queues and finish. This is basically a global wait group for that action.
A missing part of TOML, simply pull some singular vars from the ENV (aka docker for like things) inside a very large complicated config file.
A really simple map like entity for config options, that will check value types when getting them.
Yep a global "super map of stuff". I know it's "frowned" upon, but just like shutdown, go is a compiled language, native, ASM lang at its core. This can be really useful for performance, and pushing/read a nodes config options around the farms (this is not zookeeper, it's internal, but lets one set a submodule's state for easy reading by something else).
The fact that sort.Sort
cannot natively sort the basic types is, well, ..., so the basic u/int64->8 have sorts.
Parse strings that golang cannot parse into times and durations
// ParseTime -- string to time
// 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00 (RFC3339)
// 2006-01-02 15:04:05
// 2006-01-02
// 2006-01-02 15:04
// 2006-01-02 15
// Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006
// now
// today
// yesterday
// lastweek
// and "durations from the epoch"
// 1s, 1sec
// 1m, 1min
// 1d, 1day
// 1mon, 1month
// 1y, 1year
// finally attempt to parse an epoch time
// 1485984333
// 1485984333.123
// 1485984333.123123
// 1485984333.123123123
// ParseDuration -- string to a duration
// strings can be of the form
// now -> nil
// 1s, 1sec, 1second
// 1m, 1min
// 1h, 1hour
// 1d, 1day
// 1mon, 1month
// 1y, 1year