Welcome to the cotf 2021 demo!
This demo premiers a basic lighting engine, 2D procedural floor generation, and other procedural elements for each floor.
The floors generate endlessly.
To get from the Controls info screen to the demo, press SPACEBAR.
Note: if the character runs out of health all acquired items are dropped and it resets back to floor 0.
To start a completely new instance, delete all the 'Dungeon#' files and the 'player' file from the 'CotF vDEMO' directory. This will reset all floors and player data.
Comments and suggestions can be sent to ooprefect@gmail.com.
Run extract.cmd to unpack the 'dotnet core runtime v3.1.18 x64' installer. Install the runtime, then unpack the 'CotF vDEMO.zip' to wherever and run 'CotF Demo.exe'.