This program allows you to compare the performance of Cython and Python.
pip install cython-test
import cython-test as ct
def test_fib(n): #Function for comparing speed using Fibbonacci numbers.
def integrate_f(a, b, N): #Function for comparing speed using function integration.
import PythonTest as pt
import cython-test as ct
import time
a = int(input('enter a: '))
b = int(input('enter b: '))
N = int(input('enter N: '))
start = time.time()
ct.integrate_f(a, b, N)
end = time.time()
cy_time = end - start
print("Cython time = {}".format(cy_time))
start = time.time()
pt.integrate_f(a, b, N)
end = time.time()
py_time = end - start
print("Python time = {}".format(py_time))
print("Speedup = {}".format(py_time / cy_time))