Package notify provides an implementation of the Gnome DBus Notification Specification.
Display a Simple Notification
ntf := notify.NewNotification("Test Notification", "Just a test")
if _, err := ntf.Show(); err != nil {
Display a Notification with an Icon. Consult the Icon Naming Specification.
ntf := notify.NewNotification("Test Notification", "Just a test")
ntf.AppIcon = "network-wireless"
if _, err := ntf.Show(); err != nil {
Display a Notification that never Expires
ntf := notify.NewNotification("Test Notification", "Just a test")
ntf.Timeout = notify.ExpiresNever
if _, err := ntf.Show(); err != nil {
Play a Sound with the Notification
ntf := notify.NewNotification("Test Notification", "Just a test")
ntf.Hints = make(map[string]interface{})
ntf.Hints[notify.HintSoundFile] = "/home/my-username/sound.oga"
if _, err := ntf.Show(); err != nil {