My customized conky setup. I started with a conky config I found on deviant art, credited below, and then heavily modified it to my liking.
Here's a list of what I can remember I for sure changed from the version I started modifying:
- Orientated to bottom right instead of bottom left
- Allows for smaller screen sizes
- Condensed windows to fit smaller screens
- Removed non-used scripts
- Moved various pieces around/Changed positioning
- Added in more to system config
- Battery life inclusions with color changing
- Battery charging with colors
- Icons for texts
- Changed Colors
- Network changes (Note: you may need to modify this to work on your adapter)
- Fixed public IP source
- Used built in graphs instead of previous lua that wasn't functioning
(The battery percentage changes the same colors/timing as time left from above pictures)
(My IP is not FTR)
Place all folders in your home directory to achieve the following:
|-- .conky
| `-- conky-xanimos
| |-- configs
| | |-- conky_bg
| | |-- conky_clock
| | |-- conky_cpu
| | |-- conky_files
| | |-- conky_network
| | |-- conky_ram
| | |-- conky_system
| | `-- conky_txt
| |-- img
| | |-- bg2.png
| | |-- bg.png
| | |-- cpu.png
| | |-- files.png
| | |-- networkhigh.png
| | |-- networklow.png
| | |-- networkmid.png
| | |-- nonetwork.png
| | |-- ram.png
| | |-- system.png
| | `-- units
| | |-- batt.png
| | |-- connections.png
| | |-- freq.png
| | |-- hdd.png
| | |-- processes.png
| | |-- proc.png
| | |-- timeleft.png
| | `-- uptime.png
| |-- lua
| | `-- files_ring.lua
| |--
| `--
The other files are not required for usage, but you'll need to ensure the font GE Inspira is correctly installed for conky_txt to display properly.
Then run (or add to startup commands):