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Featured Add Ons

Kyle Johnson edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 2 revisions


We are using the Netlify CMS to manage the featured add-ons list. To access the editor, go to (this URL will change to once we move everything into production). You will need to login with your GitHub credentials, and only team members who have write access to the kodi-tv repo can add or edit store items.


When you first log in, you'll be presented with a list of existing blog posts. On the left hand side you should select Featured Add-ons and then Featured Add-ons List from the content list to get the list of featured add-ons. Unlike other content areas, there is only one file in this group. It cannot be deleted. To change the featured add-ons, you will edit that file.

Adding a New Featured Add-on

Once you have logged in and opened the Featured Add-ons List, you can add another featured add-on by clicking Add add-on in the right side of the content window. The add-on id must match the one provided in the addon.xml of the add-on.

Deleting a Featured Add-on

In the Featured Add-on List each add-on box as a small x in the upper right hand corner of the box. Clicking that x will delete the add-on.

Reordering the Add-on List

You can technically reorder the list, but it won't matter. The order of the featured list is determined by the order it is parsed from the addons.xml file from the repo.

Number of Add-ons

There must be at least one add-on in the Featured Add-ons List or the site won't build. There is technically no limit to the number of featured add-ons you can have, but practically I suggest not more than five – ten if you really insist.

Saving the File

Please only save the file once you are ready to make the change, as saving the file unpublishes it. Once saved, to publish it you set the status to READY and then select the PUBLISH NOW option from the publish menu. This will generate a series of commits to the main branch, and that will trigger a site build.