Simple Qt based plotting tool for micro-controllers
Sample data sent from uC to FlexiPlot Basically, it will send a real time update of two separate data points to flexi for plotting on the same plane with ID "P0"
Note a packet consists of -ID of plot -Name of real time value (Roll) -Color in RGB format (Red) -Value (25)
-Name of real time value -Color in RGB format -Value
And you can repeat this pattern as much as you like.
It also supports XY plane plotting. A sample packet for plotting quadratic:
{P3|Quadratic|255,0,0|-5 25 -4 16 -3 9 -2 4 -1 1 0 0 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 5 25}
An example packet for plotting to a bar graph: Plotting with automatic color assignment
{P0|Jan;Feb;Mar|Jane|25 15 17|John|8 9 23}
P0 = ID of plot Jan;Feb:Mar = Are the columns for bar graph Jane = Is the set name for bar graph, every set expects as many values as columns 25 15 17 = Values for Jane for columsn Jan, Feb and Mar. John= Is the set name for bar graph, every set expects as many values as columns 8 9 23 = Values for John for columsn Jan, Feb and Mar.
If you want to use custom set of colors, you can just specify them in the packet:
{P0|Jan;Feb;Mar|Jane|255,0,0|25 15 17|John|0,255,0|8 9 23}