create the canvas;
const mc = new MCanvas(options: {
width?: number,
height?: number,
backgroundColor?: string,
prepare background-image;
if you use
before , then you can usemc.background()
to reset to the init background.
image: string | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement,
options?: {
// type: origin / crop / contain
// origin : the width and height of canvas will be same as the image naturalWidth and naturalHeight, the init width and height will be invalid;
// crop : the image will covered with the canvas, can control crop by left and top;
// contain : the same as background-size:contain; can control postion by left and top;
type?: 'origin' | 'crop' | 'contain' ,
// the distance of leftTop corner of canvas;
// 100 / '100%' / '100px'
// can use 0% / 50% / 100% to crop by left / center / right;
left?: number | string,
top?: number | string,
// the background-color of canvas;
color?: string,
prepare the source to draw on canvas;
image: string | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement,
options: {
// eg. width: 100 / '100%' / '100px';
width?: number | string,
crop?: {
// the distance to leftTop corner of source-image
x?: number | string,
y?: number | string,
// example: 100/'100%'/'100px';
// the width, height and radius of the the croped area;
width?: number | string,
height?: number | string,
radius?: number | string
// position of source image;
pos?: {
// eg. x: 250 / '250px' / '100%' / 'left:250' / 'center',
x?: number | string,
y?: number | string,
// scale based on center point of source;
scale?: number | string,
rotate?: number | string,
prepare the watermark;
image: url/HTMLImageElement/HTMLCanvasElement,
options: {
// there must use percentage on canvas;
// Default : '40%';
width?: string,
// position
// Default : 'rightBottom';
pos?: 'leftTop' | 'leftBottom' | 'rightTop' | 'rightBottom',
// the margin to border of canvas;
// Default : 20;
margin?: number,
prepare the text and you can use <b>/<s>/<br>
// context,there provide 3 style of large/normal/small;
// <b></b> : largeStyle | <s>small</s> : smallStyle | <br>
context: '<b>大字大字大字</b>常规字体<br>换行<s>小字小字小字</s>',
options: {
// the width of text line;
// example : width: 100 / '100%' / '100px';
width?: string | number,
// align of text line;
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right',
// and you can set the style of text use smallStyle / normalStyle / largeStyle;
// for example
// the style of contained in <s></s>
normalStyle?: {
// font style same as css font
font?: string,
// font color
color?: string,
lineheight?: number,
type?: 'fill' | 'stroke',
// the width of text's stroke;
lineWidth?: number,
// word break when changes line, default: true;
wordBreak?: boolean,
shadow?: {
color?: string,
blur?: number,
offsetX?: number,
offsetY?: number,
gradient?: {
type?: 1 | 2, // 1: horizontal 2: vertical
colorStop?: string[] // eg. ['red','blue'],
// the position of text on canvas;
pos?: {
x?: string | number,
y?: string | number,
rotate?: string | number,
draw a rectangle;
options: {
// x: 250 / '250px' / '100%' / 'left:250' / 'center',
x?: string | number,
y?: string | number,
width?: string | number,
height?: string | number,
strokeWidth?: number,
strokeColor?: string,
fillColor?: string,
draw a circle;
options: {
x?: string | number,
y?: string | number,
radius?: string | number ,
strokeWidth?: string | number,
strokeColor?: string,
fillColor?: string,
final function ,add
must use the draw()
on the end, and it will export a base64 image,now has supported Promise.
const base64 = await mc.draw(options)
// or
// 由于异步的缘故,使用回调,获取 base64;
options: {
// the type of export image;
// default: jpg;
// if you want to have transparent background, you should choose png
type?: 'png' | 'jpg',
// the quality of export image : 0~1;
// it's invalid to png type;
// default: .9;
quality?: number,
success?: (b64: string) => void,
error?: (err: any) => void
MImage is a small image handle tool, contains compress、crop and filter.
import { MImage } from 'mcanvas'
const mi = new MImage('imageUrl')
// blurValue: 1 ~ 10
mi.filter('blur', blurValue: number = 6)
// dire
// hor: horizontal
// ver: vertical
mi.filter('flip', dire: 'hor' | 'ver' = 'hor')
mi.filter('mosaic', blockSize: number = 10)
// range: 1 ~ 5
// levels: 1 ~ 256
mi.filter('oil', range: number = 2, levels: number = 32)
options: {
x?: number | string
y?: number | string
width?: number | string
height?: number | string
radius?: number | string
options: {
quality?: number,
width?: number,
height?: number,
export image, the usage is same as the mcanvas.draw().