A simple ROT-x (Caesar cipher) encryption/decryption tool written in Bash
$ ./rotcrypt.sh <Rotation number> [Options] <String>
-h Show the help message
-v Verbose mode. This parameter can only be combined with the -d parameter
-e Encrypt a given string
-d Decrypt a given string
Decrypting a ROT-10 encrypted text
$ ./rotcrypt.sh 10 -d "drsc sc k cezob dyz combod wocckqo"
Encrypting a text through ROT-8
$ ./rotcrypt.sh 8 -e "This is a super top secret message"
If the ROT argument isn't set, the script will use ROT-13 by default
$ ./rotcrypt.sh -e "This is a super top secret message"
This will decrypt the cypher based on letters' frequency (Works only with English alphabet)
$ ./rotcrypt.sh -d "drsc sc k cezob dyz combod wocckqo"
Using verbose mode
$ ./rotcrypt.sh -d "drsc sc k cezob dyz combod wocckqo" -v