Network Traffic Monitor Daemon for linux.
This project is early in development, core functionality is working well but it still has it's fair share of issues (known & unknown).
- Can't find process/sockets for qemu virtual machines
- Can't find process/sockets for mullvad vpn traffic when turned on (and presumably other vpns).
Once ntmd is running in the background it will begin monitoring network traffic and matching packets with the processes they belong too. To retrieve that information you should use the socket api that ntmd hosts to allow external applications to view live in-memory network traffic or historical network traffic stored in the database.
Full API documentation of all commands and further information can be found in docs/
View live in-memory monitored traffic before database deposit:
echo 'snapshot' | nc localhost 13889 | jq
"data": {
"Discord": {
"bytesRx": 123
"bytesTx": 321
"pktRxCount": 5,
"pktTxCount": 5
"chromium": {
"bytesRx": 777
"bytesTx": 777
"pktRxCount": 11
"pktTxCount": 11
"length": 2
"result": "success"
View historical network traffic from database since January 1st 2023:
echo 'traffic-since 1672549200' | nc localhost 13889 | jq
"data": {
"chatterino": {
"bytesRx": 114048694,
"bytesTx": 13902477,
"pktRxCount": 196166,
"pktTxCount": 193273
"chromium": {
"bytesRx": 5156785412,
"bytesTx": 131679244,
"pktRxCount": 3590623,
"pktTxCount": 1697315
"git-remote-http": {
"bytesRx": 9096,
"bytesTx": 4568,
"pktRxCount": 25,
"pktTxCount": 32
"ssh": {
"bytesRx": 1852839460,
"bytesTx": 11996499,
"pktRxCount": 198432,
"pktTxCount": 138233
"length": 4,
"result": "success"
ntmd uses a few dependencies that are not bundled with the repository, so you must install them yourself before building.
These include:
- sqlite3
- nlohmann-json
- libpcap
- cmake
- clang
To install all required dependencies on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev nlohmann-json3-dev libpcap-dev clang cmake
To install all required dependencies on arch:
sudo pacman -S sqlite nlohmann-json libpcap clang cmake
After installing all dependencies, clone the repository and build the binary:
git clone
cd ntmd/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
Move ntmd into /usr/bin
sudo mv ntmd /usr/bin
If you wish to launch with a custom config edit the default config provided in docs/ntmd.conf
to your liking and then move it into the default location /etc/ntmd.conf
or specify its location with the -c/--config
sudo cp ../docs/ntmd /etc/
If you wish to setup a systemd service to manage ntmd:
sudo cp ../systemd/ntmd.service /etc/systemd/system/
If you wish for ntmd to start up with your computer, enable the systemd service:
sudo systemctl enable ntmd
To start ntmd immediately:
sudo systemctl start ntmd