WEBKIT ONLY (for now)
Contributors: AmeliaBR, p01
100b speech recognizer (open the page, talk and read the result in your default language)
101b background color setter (say a color name or "chucknorris" and it will be applied to the body)
73b speech synthetizer (type some text, then click out of the field to hear it in your default language)
200b speech synthetizer with language choice (including setInterval as a Webkit hack)
Full version:
http://xem.github.io/miniSpeechRecognitionAndSynthesis (167b)
- Focus the input field
- Talk to your PC
- Read your transcript
- Blur the input field
- Listen to what you said, but said by your PC!
Lite version:
http://xem.github.io/miniSpeechRecognitionAndSynthesis/speak-listen.html (146b)
- Speak
- Listen