This module builds an artifact which can be used to backup and restore solr indexes into S3 and (some of the) S3-compatible storage endpoints.
The original code for the S3 backup was taken
It has been packported to solr6, since this is the version used by Alfresco currently. It cannot be backported further
to solr4, because the only backup repository-storage supported back then was the filesystem.
Backported version is available in src/main/java/org/apache/solr/s3.
Since that version does not work fully even with Amazon S3, an adapted version has been implemented in src/main/java/eu/xenit/solr/backup/s3.
This new version has been tested against S3-compatible backends:
- localstack s3
Integration tests follow the same line:
- wait for solr to be populated with data, tracking alfresco
- trigger a backup /solr/alfresco/replication?command=backup&repository=s3&location=s3:///&numberToKeep=3
- check if the backup finished in a certain timeout (3 minutes) by following the output of /solr/alfresco/replication?command=details
- trigger a restore /solr/alfresco/replication?command=restore&repository=s3&location=s3:///
- check if the restore was successful in a certain timeout (3 minutes) by following the output of /solr/alfresco/replication?command=restorestatus
you need to put the solr.xml file under /opt/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<str name="adminHandler">${adminHandler:org.alfresco.solr.AlfrescoCoreAdminHandler}</str>
<repository name="s3" class="eu.xenit.solr.backup.s3.S3BackupRepository" default="false">
<str name="">${S3_BUCKET_NAME:}</str>
<str name="s3.endpoint">${S3_ENDPOINT:}</str>
<str name="s3.region">${S3_REGION:eu-central-1}</str>
<str name="s3.access.key">${S3_ACCESS_KEY:}</str>
<str name="s3.secret.key">${S3_SECRET_KEY:}</str>
<str name="">${S3_PROXY_HOST:}</str>
<int name="s3.proxy.port">${S3_PROXY_PORT:0}</int>
<bool name="">${S3_PATH_STYLE_ACCESS_ENABLED:false}</bool>
and specify the Environment or Java variables
all of these variable can be set as environment variable or as a system property so that it is substituted in solr.xml
Environment variable | Java system property | Default | required |
S3_ENDPOINT | -DS3_ENDPOINT | | false |
S3_REGION | -DS3_REGION | eu-central-1 | false |
S3_ACCESS_KEY | -DS3_ACCESS_KEY | false | |
S3_SECRET_KEY | -DS3_SECRET_KEY | false | |
S3_PROXY_HOST | -DS3_PROXY_HOST | false | |
S3_PROXY_PORT | -DS3_PROXY_PORT | false | |
./gradlew integration-tests:solr6:integrationTestSwarmDocker
Solr waits for the Swarm environment to be started and then requests an ACCESS_KEY via an init script, which is further used to authenticate.
Before running the tests, following variables need to be set to an S3 bucket and working credentials.
export S3_ENDPOINT=...
export S3_REGION=...
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=...
export S3_ACCESS_KEY=...
export S3_SECRET_KEY=...
./gradlew integration-tests:solr6:integrationTest