Crypto Journal is the app for crypto investors that want to keep track of their operations in a simple and accessible way.
Crypto journal is powered by Flutter, uses Riverpod as state manager and relies on Firebase to handle user sign in. Backend communication is handled by Graphql.
This project implements a variation of the clean architecture proposed by Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin), explained here and by the excellent course made by Reso Coder and avaliable on youtube
The app allows its users to sign-in/sign-up with either Facebook
or Google
The home screen shows a general overview of the coins held by a user and its current value in fiat money
Allows a user to track his operations sorted by date. This screen has pagination support.
A user can create transactions to keep track of his operations and keep his holding information updated.
A user can delete a transaction by swiping on one of the tabs and needs to confirm if he really wants to delete the item.
A simple screen that shows which user is currently logged in and allows to sign-out.