|-- layout-go
|-- bootstrap #引导,用于注册各类服务
|-- build #编译后的目录
|-- cmd #命令
| |-- make #代码生成命令
| |-- migrate #数据迁移命令
| |-- seed #数据填充命令
| |-- service #业务层命令
|-- config #配置
|-- cron #定时
|-- database #数据相关
| |-- dao #gen生成
| |-- factory #数据工厂
| |-- migration #迁移文件
| |-- model #模型
| |-- seeder #填充文件
|-- docs #文档
|-- grpc #微服务
|-- http #web
| |-- api1 #web端,如user,merchant,admin
| |-- controller #控制器
| |-- request #表单
| |-- route #路由
|-- inlet #入口
| |-- cmd #命令入口
| |-- cron #定时入口
| |-- grpc #微服务入口
| |-- http #web入口
| |-- api1 #web的api1入口
|-- pkg #自定义package
| |-- app #综合
| |-- console #打印
| |-- database #数据库连接
| |-- gin #web服务
| |-- jwt #Auth验证
| |-- logger #日志
| |-- migrate #数据迁移
| |-- queue #队列
| |-- redis #redis
| |-- seed #数据填充
| |-- shutdown #服务关闭
| |-- timer #定时器
| |-- validator #表单验证
|-- service #业务抽象层
|-- storage #文件目录
|-- log #日志目录
请求方法 | API 示例 | 说明 |
GET | /api/user | 获取列表 |
GET | /api/user/{id} | 获取详情 |
POST | /api/user | 新增 |
PUT | /api/user/{id} | 修改 |
DELETE | /api/user/{id} | 删除 |
$ go run ./inlet/http/api1/main.go server
$ go run ./inlet/cron/main.go cron
$ swag init --parseDependency --parseInternal -g inlet/http/api1/main.go
$ go run ./inlet/cmd -h
Default will run "serve" command, you can use "-h" flag to see all subcommands
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
make Generate file and code
migrate Run database migration
seed Insert fake data to the database
service 业务层cmd
-h, --help help for this command
-p, --path string example: --path=./config/setting.yaml (default "./config/setting.yaml")
Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.
make 命令:
$ go run ./inlet/cmd/main.go make -h
Generate file and code
make [command]
Available Commands:
all Crate all file, example: make all api1 user
cmd Create a command, should be snake_case, example: make cmd buckup_database
controller Create api controller, example: make controller api1 user
factory Create model's factory file, example: make factory user
gen Generate file and code, example: make gen
migration Create a migration file, example: make migration user
model Crate model file, example: make model user
request Create request file, example make request user
route Crate route file, example: make route api1 user
seeder Create seeder file, example: make seeder user
-h, --help help for make
Global Flags:
-p, --path string example: --path=./config/setting.yaml (default "./config/setting.yaml")
Use " make [command] --help" for more information about a command.
migrate 命令:
$ go run ./inlet/cmd/main.go migrate -h
Run database migration
migrate [command]
Available Commands:
down Reverse the up command
fresh Drop all tables and re-run all migrations
refresh Reset and re-run all migrations
reset Rollback all database migrations
up Run unMigrated migrations
-h, --help help for migrate
Global Flags:
-p, --path string example: --path=./config/setting.yaml (default "./config/setting.yaml")
Use " migrate [command] --help" for more information about a command.
seed 命令:
$ go run ./inlet/cmd/main.go seed -h
Insert fake data to the database
seed [flags]
-h, --help help for seed
Global Flags:
-p, --path string example: --path=./config/setting.yaml (default "./config/setting.yaml")