Real-time streaming Tweets showing on Google Map.
npm install --save
node app.js
npm install --save-dev
npm run-script build &
npm run-script run
- Vue The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Koajs next generation web framework for node.js
- elasticsearch.js
- webpack2
- Bootstrap
key: user key
secret: user secret
key: app key
secret: app secret
elasticSearchURL: (elasticSearchURL or host)
GoogleMapAPI: your google Map API
tweetsSize: fixed Index size once you set up
Tweets Size can automatically delete older data to keep elasticsearch disk usage in a controlled level.
- AWS EC2 for Elasticsearch
- AWS Elasticbeanstalk for web application
- live-stream tweets
- search for keywords
- search for a select point within given distance
- change map layout Standard Silver Retro Dark Night Aubergine
- live reload Front-End Changes using webpack-dev-server
- live reload Back-End Changes using nodemon
MIT License