This is a formatted value tool that makes formatting easier and more convenient to extend.
npm i numerify -S
import numerify from 'numerify'
// commonjs package is 'numerify/lib/index.cjs.js'
console.log(numerify(1234, '0,0'))
<script src=""></script>
console.log(numerify(1234, '0,0'))
Number | Format | String |
10000 | '0,0.0000' | 10,000.0000 |
10000.23 | '0,0' | 10,000 |
10000.23 | '+0,0' | +10,000 |
-10000 | '0,0.0' | -10,000.0 |
10000.1234 | '0.000' | 10000.123 |
100.1234 | '00000' | 00100 |
1000.1234 | '000000,0' | 001,000 |
10 | '000.00' | 010.00 |
10000.1234 | '0[.]00000' | 10000.12340 |
-10000 | '(0,0.0000)' | (10,000.0000) |
-0.23 | '.00' | -.23 |
-0.23 | '(.00)' | (.23) |
0.23 | '0.00000' | 0.23000 |
0.23 | '0.0[0000]' | 0.23 |
1230974 | '0.0a' | 1.2m |
1460 | '0 a' | 1 k |
-104000 | '0a' | -104k |
1 | '0%' | 100% |
0.974878234 | '0.000%' | 97.488% |
-0.43 | '0 %' | -43 % |
0.43 | '(0.000 %)' | 43.000 % |
- formatter default is
- roundFunction default is
this default options is:
zeroFormat: null,
nullFormat: null,
defaultFormat: '0,0',
scalePercentBy100: true,
abbrLabel: {
th: 'k',
mi: 'm',
bi: 'b',
tr: 't'
in order to edit it, you can code such as
zeroFormat: 'N/A',
nullFormat: 'N/A',
defaultFormat: '0,0',
scalePercentBy100: true,
abbrLabel: {
th: 'k',
mi: 'm',
bi: 'B',
tr: 'T'
numerify(0, '0.0') // N/A
will change global settings and you can
use this function to reset options.
Adding your own custom formats is as easy as adding a locale.
numerify.register('percentage', {
regexp: /%/,
format (value, format, roundingFunction) {
const space = ~format.indexOf(' %') ? ' ' : ''
let output
if (numerify.options.scalePercentBy100) value = value * 100
format = format.replace(/\s?%/, '')
output = numerify._numberToFormat(value, format, roundingFunction)
if (~output.indexOf(')')) {
output = output.split('')
output.splice(-1, 0, space + '%')
output = output.join('')
} else {
output = output + space + '%'
return output
remove formatter which has been registed.
This is an internal function, used to format ()
, ,
, +-
, kmbt
, .
and []
numerify._numberToFormat(<value>, <format>, [roundingFunction])
plugins are packaged into lib/plugins
folder, and you can use it such as:
import numerifyBytes from 'numerify/lib/plugins/bytes.umd.js'
numerify.register('bytes', numerifyBytes)
plugins types and usage are as follows:
Number | Format | String |
0 | '0 BPS' | 0 BPS |
0.0001 | '0 BPS' | 1 BPS |
.0056 | '0 BPS' | 56 BPS |
.25 | '0BPS' | 2500BPS |
.000001 | '0.00 BPS' | 0.01 BPS |
Number | Format | String |
100 | '0b' | 100B |
1024 | '0b' | 1KB |
2048 | '0 ib' | 2 KiB |
3072 | '0.0 b' | 3.1 KB |
7884486213 | '0.00b' | 7.88GB |
3467479682787 | '0.000 ib' | 3.154 TiB |
Number | Format | String |
1000.234 | '$0,0.00' | $1,000.23 |
1000.2 | '0,0[.]00 $' | 1,000.20 $ |
1001 | '$ 0,0[.]00' | $ 1,001 |
-1000.234 | '($0,0)' | ($1,000) |
-1000.234 | '$0.00' | -$1000.23 |
1230974 | '($ 0.00 a)' | $ 1.23 m |
Number | Format | String |
1123456789 | '0,0e+0' | 1e+9 |
12398734.202 | '0.00e+0' | 1.24e+7 |
0.000123987 | '0.000e+0' | 1.240e-4 |
Number | Format | String |
1 | '0o' | 1st |
1 | '0 o' | 1 st |
100 | '0o' | 100th |
Number | Format | String |
25 | '00:00:00' | 0:00:25 |
238 | '00:00:00' | 0:03:58 |
63846 | '00:00:00' | 17:44:06 |
The numeral is a very useful tool, and numerify draws on this thinking. The difference is that numerify focuses on the parts that format values without parsing values, is smaller (12k vs 3k), and performs better.