This repo is used for benchmarking Cosmos DB SDK against various workloads
The use-case is the following
- Persist the user provided sets (in practice this is a graph, but a set models the same workload in a simpler way) in the DB e.g. [ G1{A,B,C}, G2{X,Y}, G3{P,Q,R,S}]
- Support the query, provided any one of the set members return the original set. e.g. Given Q, return {P,Q,R,S}
To support this use case, we model the data using two collections
- A graph collection that stores each Set with the key as the Set name (or GraphId). e.g. Key = "G1", Value = "A,B,C"
- A routing collection that point each member to the Set name (or GraphId). e.g.for set G1, we have the following 3 documents - [Key = "A", Value = "G1"] [Key = "B", Value = "G1"] [Key = "C", Value = "G1"]
JMH is used as the benchmarking harness (
for the JMH annotated class.
The following are the workloads that have been modelled
- lookupRoutingSingle - Lookup a single document in the routing collection by calling readDocument(..)
- lookupRoutingBatch - Lookup a batch of 1000 documents in the routing collection. This is done by grouping the 1000 keys by the partitionRangeId that they fall into and issuing 1 query per partition.
- lookupTwoTableSingle - Given a key, do a lookup in Routing collection by calling readDocument(..), use the graph-id present in the retrieved document to fetch the corresponding graph from the Graph collection.
- lookupTwoTableBatch - Same as #3, but for batches of 1000 keys. This translates into a call to lookupRoutingBatch, followed by a call to lookupGraphBatch.
- Provide correct CosmosDB Account/DB details. Update client-common/src/main/resources/reference.conf
- Configure the benchmark runner. Update benchmark/src/main/resources/reference.conf. Description of the config block follows
jmh {
params {
jvmArgs = "-Xmx8G"
jmhArgs = "-f1 -i 1 -r 1 -w 1 -wi 1 -t 1 -rf json" // see
// -f 1 -> How many forks? Each fork is an independent benchmark on a separate JVM. Results are aggregated to provide mean and std-dev(error)
// -i 1 -> Iterations share the same JVM. Results from each iteration are aggregated to provide mean and std-dev(error)
// -r 1 -> How long does each iteration last? (default seconds).
// -wi 1 -> How many warm-up iterations? These don't count towards the measurement.
// -w 1 -> How long does each warm-up iteration last?
// -t 1 -> How many concurrent threads to use for load generation? This is ignored, value from runList below is used instead.
// -to 600 -> Timeout (seconds) for each iteration
resultsPath = "/tmp/" // The detailed results file for each run goes here
summaryCsvFile = "/tmp/benchmark-results.csv" // A simple consolidated summary of all the runs go here
runList = [ // Specify n number of benchmark runs
name = "lookup-single-v4" // Name for this run
regex = "ReadBenchmark.lookupRoutingSingle" // Regex to use to pickup benchmark methods
threads = [1]//[1,50,100, 125] // Number of threads to use for benchmark. We do a separate benchmark for each thread in the array.
clientType = "v4" // Specify which version of the SDK to use.
- To build runnable jar run
./gradlew shadowJar
- Copy to target machine
scp benchmark/build/libs/benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar arsriram@
- Modify config after building shadow jar (optional)
- You can modify the reference.conf file inside the runnable jar to configure DB account, DB name, MasterKey
vim benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar
- Hit enter on reference.conf to enter file
- Look for the following block and modify as needed. :wq to save file and :q! to exit Vim zip browser.
java -cp benchmark/build/libs/benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar
java -cp benchmark/build/libs/benchmark-1.2-cosmos-2.4.3-SNAPSHOT-shadow.jar | tee benchmark.out
Note that the SuiteRunner runs in it's own separate JVM, the purpose of the SuiteRunner is the following
- Execute all the benchmarks as per the spec in
- Spawn a JVM for each benchmark run (one-at-a-time) in #1 and aggregate the results into a single CSV file.
- Run this main method
- This will simply exercise readDocument(..)
- Update benchmark/src/main/resources/reference.conf with
jvmArgs = "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"
\ - Following instructions in section Run benchmarks to start the suite runner. This will start the benchmark JVM (not the suite runner) in debug mode, listening on localhost:5005
- Instructions to connect using IDEA Community Edition follows
- From the top menu-bar Run -> Edit Configuration -> + icon (top-left) to 'Add New Configuration' -> Select 'Remote' -> Rename your configuration to say 'JMH' -> Select port as 5005 -> Debugger mode = Attach to remote JVM -> Hit OK to save and close
- Set breakpoints as needed, say inside
- Select the newly created JMH run configuration from the drop down and hit the debug button. This will start the debug session.
- The default timeout for each JMH iteration is 10min. To increase, update jmhArgs in the config file