Obtained points: 30/30
Install Python and Django. It should be possible to open this project in PyCharm, just open it and add python3 interpreter that has Django installed within. Then you can run the server application:
python manage.py runserver
For creating database use:
python3 manage.py makemigrations --merge //if needed
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
For inserting data in beta version use:
python3 manage.py beta
It creates users (admin@mpr.cz, manager@mpr.cz, user@mpr.cz, user2@mpr.cz, user3@mpr.cz), password is always: "Password1"
To delete all data in the database use:
python3 manage.py clear
app is running at http://localhost:8000
user/str:pk - GET - LIST
login - POST<email, password> - USER
logout - GET - HTTP OK
users - GET - LIST
projects - GET - LIST
risk_categories - GET - LIST<RISK_CATEGORY>
project/str:pk - GET - LIST
project_roles/str:pk - GET - LIST<USER_PROJECT>
user_risks/str:pk - GET - LIST
project_risks/str:pk - GET - LIST
risk/str:pk - GET - LIST
create_project - POST - LIST
create_project_role - POST<USER_PROJECT> - LIST<USER_PROJECT>
create_risk - POST - LIST
update_risk - POST - LIST
update_project - POST - LIST
update_project_role - POST<USER_PROJECT> - LIST<USER_PROJECT>
fake - ANY - LIST - creates new user with email "test" and password "test" to create normal user tou can use funcion create_fake_user in MPR-BE/app/views.py
logged - ANY - 200 if user is logged 403 otherwise
create_risk_category - POST<RISK_CATEGORY> - LIST<RISK_CATEGORY>
update_risk_category - POST<RISK_CATEGORY> - LIST<RISK_CATEGORY>
delete_risk_category/str:pk - GET - OK
delete_project/str:pk - GET - OK
delete_risk/str:pk - GET - OK
update_user - POST - LIST
delete_user/str:pk/ - GET - OK
all_risks - GET - LIST
project_user_role - POST<user_pk,project_pk> - List