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Christian Schlinkmann edited this page Oct 26, 2015 · 1 revision

xml3d.js has three predefined light models:

Point Light

A simple point light with attenuation.

Supported parameters
Name Type Default Description
intensity <float3> 1 1 1 The RGB intensity of the point light.
attenuation <float3> 0 0 1 The attenuation of the point light given as its constant, linear, e.g quadratic component.

The point light derives its position from the position of the referencing light element.

Directional Light

A simple directional light.

Supported parameters
Name Type Default Description
intensity <float3> 1 1 1 The RGB intensity of the directional light.

The directional light derives its direction from the orientation of the referencing light element. The default orientation is along the negative z-axis.

Spot Light

A simple spot light.

Supported parameters
Name Type Default Description
intensity <float3> 1 1 1 The RGB intensity of the directional light.
attenuation <float3> 0 0 1 The attenuation of the point light given as its constant, linear, e.g quadratic component.
cutOffAngle <float> Math.PI/4 Spot angle in radians. Controls the size of the outer cone of a spot light, i.e. the circular area a spot light covers.
softness <float> 0 Softness of the spot light in the range [0;1].
The spot light derives its position and orientation from the position and orientation of the referencing light element. The default orientation is along the negative z-axis.

Custom light models are not yet available.

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