This project serves as a practical demonstration of my learning journey with MySQL databases. It utilizes a MySQL database server set up on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) virtual machine (VM). The initial purpose is to implement the model below:
- MySQL Server
- Linux (RHEL9)
- Oracle SQL Developer
- Drawio
- SFTP/FTP Protocol
This project provides a hands-on experience with key aspects of MySQL database management, including:
- Setting up a basic MySQL database structure (schema)
- Setting up a VM able to be used by external users in the same Network
- Management acess and permission to interact with the database
- Writing SQL queries to interact with the database
folder contains various SQL scripts that demonstrate different functionalities and example of the used data. These scripts can be executed once you connect to the MySQL server on your VM. -
You'll need to have a separate setup process for the VM and database (not included in this project) to connect and run the scripts.
This project serves as a learning tool for personal development.