I'm an AQA engineer with over 10 years of experience testing web, mobile and desktop applications - automated and manual. I have extensive experience working with multi-tier automated testing frameworks, including building from scratch or developing existing ones. I can create an automatic product quality control system or introduce new solutions/approaches to an existing one.
About the experience of “building from scratch” - On one of my projects I developed **from scratch** a highly efficient modern cloud CI-CD system with automated testing, integrated with project management (Jira, Test Rail) and communication (MS Teams, email, Telegram) tools.
ISTQB | Playwright | Github Copilot | GraphQL | QA.GURU | Postman | Python & Selenium |
GIT | AWS | SPRING | REST API testing | REST API - Rest Assured | SQL | Docker & Kubernetes |
Java | Groovy | PowerShell | VBScript | Python |
IntelliJ IDEA | VS Code | Pycharm | Eclipse | Android Studio |
Jenkins | Gitlab CI | Github Actions |
Selenium | Selenide | Playwright |
Git | Bitbucket | Github | Gitlab | TortoiseSVN |
MongoDB | MS SQL | MySql |
Jira | Confluence | Test Rail | HP ALM |
AWS | MS Azure |
Selenoid | Apache Tomcat |
Docker | Docker-Compose | Yaml | Kubernetes |
Postman | Swagger | Dev Tools | Fiddler | Rest Assured | Serenity | Cucumber | REST API | SOAP UI |
Maven | TestNG | Junit5 | Gradle |
Spring | SLF4J | JSP |
Appium | SauceLabs | Browserstack | Android | iOS | Telegram API |
Allure | Jakarta | Lombok |
Documentum | Livelink | Sharepoint | Veeva |
Udemy | LeetCode | Stack Overflow |