.. toctree:: operators
.. toctree:: index_related
:ref:`where <wherec-op-ref>` | indices selection |
:ref:`nonzero <nonzero-op-ref>` | indices selection |
:ref:`argwhere <argwhere-op-ref>` | indices selection |
:ref:`from_indices <frindices-op-ref>` | biulder from indices |
.. toctree:: basic_functions
:ref:`abs <abs-function-reference>` | absolute value |
:ref:`fabs <fabs-function-reference>` | absolute value |
:ref:`fmod <fmod-function-reference>` | remainder of the floating point division operation |
:ref:`remainder <remainder-func-ref>` | signed remainder of the division operation |
:ref:`fma <fma-function-reference>` | fused multiply-add operation |
:ref:`minimum <minimum-func-ref>` | element-wise minimum |
:ref:`maximum <maximum-func-ref>` | element-wise maximum |
:ref:`fmin <fmin-function-reference>` | element-wise minimum for floating point values |
:ref:`fmax <fmax-function-reference>` | element-wise maximum for floating point values |
:ref:`fdim <fdim-function-reference>` | element-wise positive difference |
:ref:`clip <clip-function-reference>` | element-wise clipping operation |
:ref:`sign <sign-function-reference>` | element-wise indication of the sign |
.. toctree:: exponential_functions
:ref:`exp <exp-function-reference>` | natural exponential function |
:ref:`exp2 <exp2-function-reference>` | base 2 exponential function |
:ref:`expm1 <expm1-func-ref>` | natural exponential function, minus one |
:ref:`log <log-function-reference>` | natural logarithm function |
:ref:`log2 <log2-function-reference>` | base 2 logarithm function |
:ref:`log10 <log10-func-ref>` | base 10 logarithm function |
:ref:`log1p <log1p-func-ref>` | natural logarithm of one plus function |
.. toctree:: power_functions
:ref:`pow <pow-function-reference>` | power function |
:ref:`sqrt <sqrt-function-reference>` | square root function |
:ref:`cbrt <cbrt-function-reference>` | cubic root function |
:ref:`hypot <hypot-func-ref>` | hypotenuse function |
.. toctree:: trigonometric_functions
:ref:`sin <sin-function-reference>` | sine function |
:ref:`cos <cos-function-reference>` | cosine function |
:ref:`tan <tan-function-reference>` | tangent function |
:ref:`asin <asin-function-reference>` | arc sine function |
:ref:`acos <acos-function-reference>` | arc cosine function |
:ref:`atan <atan-function-reference>` | arc tangent function |
:ref:`atan2 <atan2-func-ref>` | arc tangent function, determining quadrants |
.. toctree:: hyperbolic_functions
:ref:`sinh <sinh-function-reference>` | hyperbolic sine function |
:ref:`cosh <cosh-function-reference>` | hyperbolic cosine function |
:ref:`tanh <tanh-function-reference>` | hyperbolic tangent function |
:ref:`asinh <asinh-func-ref>` | inverse hyperbolic sine function |
:ref:`acosh <acosh-func-ref>` | inverse hyperbolic cosine function |
:ref:`atanh <atanh-func-ref>` | inverse hyperbolic tangent function |
.. toctree:: error_functions
:ref:`erf <erf-function-reference>` | error function |
:ref:`erfc <erfc-function-reference>` | complementary error function |
:ref:`tgamma <tgamma-func-ref>` | gamma function |
:ref:`lgamma <lgamma-func-ref>` | natural logarithm of the gamma function |
.. toctree:: nearint_operations
:ref:`ceil <ceil-function-reference>` | nearest integers not less |
:ref:`floor <floor-func-ref>` | nearest integers not greater |
:ref:`trunc <trunc-func-ref>` | nearest integers not greater in magnitude |
:ref:`round <round-func-ref>` | nearest integers, rounding away from zero |
:ref:`nearbyint <nearbyint-func-ref>` | nearest integers using current rounding mode |
:ref:`rint <rint-function-reference>` | nearest integers using current rounding mode |
.. toctree:: classif_functions
:ref:`isfinite <isfinite-func-ref>` | checks for finite values |
:ref:`isinf <isinf-func-ref>` | checks for infinite values |
:ref:`isnan <isnan-func-ref>` | checks for NaN values |
:ref:`isclose <isclose-func-ref>` | element-wise closeness detection |
:ref:`allclose <allclose-func-ref>` | closeness reduction |
.. toctree:: reducing_functions
:ref:`sum <sum-function-reference>` | sum of elements over given axes |
:ref:`prod <prod-function-reference>` | product of elements over given axes |
:ref:`mean <mean-function-reference>` | mean of elements over given axes |
:ref:`variance <variance-function-reference>` | variance of elements over given axes |
:ref:`stddev <stddev-function-reference>` | standard deviation of elements over given axes |
:ref:`diff <diff-function-reference>` | Calculate the n-th discrete difference along the given axis |
:ref:`amax <amax-function-reference>` | amax of elements over given axes |
:ref:`amin <amin-function-reference>` | amin of elements over given axes |
:ref:`trapz <trapz-function-reference>` | Integrate along the given axis using the composite trapezoidal rule |
:ref:`norm_l0 <norm-l0-func-ref>` | L0 pseudo-norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_l1 <norm-l1-func-ref>` | L1 norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_sq <norm-sq-func-ref>` | Squared L2 norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_l2 <norm-l2-func-ref>` | L2 norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_linf <norm-linf-func-ref>` | Infinity norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_lp_to_p <nlptop-func-ref>` | p_th power of Lp norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_lp <norm-lp-func-ref>` | Lp norm over given axes |
:ref:`norm_induced_l1 <nind-l1-ref>` | Induced L1 norm of a matrix |
:ref:`norm_induced_linf <nilinf-ref>` | Induced L-infinity norm of a matrix |
.. toctree:: accumulating_functions
:ref:`cumsum <cumsum-function-reference>` | cumulative sum of elements over a given axis |
:ref:`cumprod <cumprod-function-reference>` | cumulative product of elements over given axes |
.. toctree:: nan_functions
:ref:`nan_to_num <nan-to-num-function-reference>` | convert NaN and +/- inf to finite numbers |
:ref:`nansum <nansum-function-reference>` | sum of elements over a given axis, replacing NaN with 0 |
:ref:`nanprod <nanprod-function-reference>` | product of elements over given axes, replacing NaN with 1 |
:ref:`nancumsum <nancumsum-function-reference>` | cumsum of elements over a given axis, replacing NaN with 0 |
:ref:`nancumprod <nancumprod-function-reference>` | cumprod of elements over given axes, replacing NaN with 1 |