#How can you compile it
you will need gameplay 3D game engine https://github.com/gameplay3d/GamePlay/
put the project in a folder and put the project folder in a folder that contain a folder named "gameplay" which would contain gameplay 3D engine
install Microsoft visual studio 2015 express or community
and then compile the project using the solution
#What it can do
it can generate terrains and noise them based on a seed
it can create trees on the terrains
it will page the terrains and objects in vectors then render terrains and trees based on distance and camera frustum
it can generate blendmaps and normalmaps based on the heightfield and save it in PNG image format
it can save terrains in binary files
it can edit the terrains vertices
it can edit blendmaps by using a paint brush
#What is wrong with it
it possibly have a bad syntax
there's some bugs with the editor tools and files managing tools
it wasn't tested on mac and linux platforms
most of the tools are either partially working or and doesn't have a UI to be conditionally useful
75% of all the project contains functions that aren't commented(lol)