🤖 MSc. Electronics Engineer who can wear different hats.
🔭 I work as a Machine Learning / Software / Firmware / DevOps - Engineer.
See my resumé HERE
- quant Specialization in quantitative finance.
- nyc_taxi_ml Ml project to predict taxi fare.
- aws_cdk AWS Cloud Development Kit example.
- machine-learning ML stuff
- pca Advanced notes on principal component analysis and single value decomposition.
- modern_cpp: Review of modern C++. vscode and gnu Linux.
- MeLi2019: A Data Science competition about NLP and product categories for a marketplace.
- utn_tf: Code snippet on CoLab to train an object detector for public talks about IA.
- MeLi2020: Data Science competition for NLP.
- MeLi2019: Data Science competition for NLP.
- spark: A course about spark, pyspark, and spark ML.
- sql: Codes from a SQL (postgreSQL) course for Data Science.
- pvsim: A basic pv simulator for a system charging and discharging, in Python.