This repo is the result of an internal project to come up up with a generic testing structure for use across client projects. It is a work-in-progress.
A basic carousel component was used as the test subject. Applying testing to a pre-existing project enables focus to be placed solely on functional testing (as a proper unit testing implementation demands a TDD/BDD approach). As such, this example focusing on Intern and Nightwatch since they are the most developed functional testing frameworks currently available. Also, using a "Page Object" pattern for both sets of tests enabled abstracting away the DOM tree structure from the tests themselves.
The following commands initiate their respective test framework and are defined in the scripts
member of the package.json:
$ npm run intern
$ npm run nightwatch
Each framework runs the following tests:
- Load page: dynamic DOM wrapper elements should init
- First set of two tiles should be visible within the carousel's viewport
- Click "next" button: carousel should advance to the next two tiles
- Click fourth pagination link: carousel should advance to the fourth set of two tiles
- Click "next" button: carousel should advance to the third set of two tiles
- Update carousel options to be 3-up
- Click first pagination link: first set of three tiles should be visible
The actual tests exist in the following folder: tests/functional/[framework]/index.js
and the "Page Object" files are in tests/support/pages/[framework]/IndexPage.js
- Supports unit tests
- Supports different assertion libraries
- Robust Promises interface
- Good documentation
- AMD support
- [TODO]
- Manages starting/stopping of selenium server (a killer feature)
- Cleaner console messaging during tests
- Much simpler synchronous interface
- Better Page Object model
- Supports chaining of custom methods out-of-the-box
- [TODO]
Test Cases
│ Testing Harness │
Testing Framework → │ ↓ │
│ Assertion Library │
│ WebDriver Server/Client │
Selenium → │ ↓ │
│ WebDriver API │
OS/Browser Platform
Code to be Tested
Test Case: The test written by a developer or a QA engineer.
Testing Harness: The testing framework being used; in this case, Intern or Nightwatch.
Assertion Library: Responsible for the logical assertions which constitute a test.
WebDriver Server/Client: Provides a unified interface to interacting to the WebDriver API.
WebDriver API: The low-level browser interaction automation API which enables the programmatic control of a modern browser.
OS/Browser Platform: The operating system/browser combination which the code above is being tested on.
Code to be Tested: The development code which is the subject of testing. In the case of this repo, the carousel's JavaScript in library folder.