Anarchy is an opensource Discord API wrapper allows you to create normal aswell as user bots.
You can find more at
Oh and also: if you're using a bot token make sure to prefix the token with 'Bot '.
// The DiscordClient is the most basic client there is. The gateway is NOT available for this client
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient();
client.Token = "your token here" //Tokens are evaluated whenever they are put in here. It'll trigger a DiscordHttpException if it's invalid
// Same as DiscordClient, but it has gateway support (to use this you need to include Discord.Gateway)
DiscordSocketClient socketClient = new DiscordSocketClient();
socketClient.Login("your token here"); //This is passed to the Token property (for validation reasons) and then sent to the Gateway
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
GuildInvite invite = client.JoinGuild("fortnite");
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
TextChannel channel = client.GetChannel(420).ToTextChannel(); // will throw an error if the channel is not a guild text channel
channel.TriggerTyping(); //This is optional
channel.SendMessage("Hello, World");
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
TextChannel channel = client.GetChannel(420).ToTextChannel(); // will throw an error if the channel is not a guild text channel
//you can also set a bunch of images. im lazy
EmbedMaker embed = new EmbedMaker();
embed.Title = "This is an embed";
embed.TitleUrl = "";
embed.Description = "Sent from Anarchy";
embed.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 104, 204);
embed.AddField("Anarchy", "is a Discord API wrapper");
embed.Footer.Text = "Made by iLinked";
embed.Author.Name = "iLinked";
embed.Author.Url = "";
channel.SendMessage("hey look it's an embed!", false, embed);
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
Guild newGuild = client.CreateGuild("cool stuff", Image.FromFile("icon.png"), "eu-central" });
GuildChannel newChannel = newGuild.CreateChannel("my new channel", ChannelType.Text);
static void Main()
// There are obviously a lot more gateway events, i just picked a few
DiscordSocketClient client = new DiscordSocketClient();
client.OnLoggedIn += Client_OnLoggedIn;
client.OnLoggedOut += Client_OnLoggedOut;
client.OnJoinedGuild += Client_OnJoinedGuild;
client.OnLeftGuild += Client_OnLeftGuild;
client.Login("your token here");
private static void Client_OnLoggedIn(DiscordSocketClient client, LoginEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine($"Logged into {args.User}");
private static void Client_OnLoggedOut(DiscordSocketClient client, LogoutEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine($"Logged out");
private static void Client_OnJoinedGuild(DiscordSocketClient client, SocketGuildEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine($"Joined guild: {args.Guild}");
private static void Client_OnLeftGuild(DiscordSocketClient client, GuildUnavailableEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine($"Left guild: {args.Guild.Id}");
static void Main()
DiscordSocketClient client = new DiscordSocketClient();
client.OnLoggedIn += Client_OnLoggedIn;
client.Login("your token here");
private static void Client_OnLoggedIn(DiscordSocketClient client, LoginEventArgs args)
// Connect to voice channel and deafen ourselves
DiscordVoiceSession session = client.JoinVoiceChannel(69, 420, false, true);
session.OnConnected += Session_OnConnected;
// make sure you have opus.dll, ffmpeg.exe and libsodium.dll in ur current folder for this
private static void Session_OnConnected(DiscordVoiceSession session, EventArgs e)
// Create a stream with 96kbps, optimized for music
DiscordVoiceStream stream = session.CreateStream(96000, AudioApplication.Music);
// to play audio in a voice channel, we must first update our voice state
// Play audio from 'Audio.mp3'
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
client.User.ChangeProfile(new UserProfileUpdate() { Avatar = Image.FromFile("lol.png") }); //this method is for updating profile related settings
client.User.ChangeSettings(new UserSettingsProperties() { Language = DiscordLanguage.EnglishUS }); //this is for changing any other setting
Example projects can be found in 'Example projects'.