Play integration for guice-persist-orient example
Sample prepared with activator 1.3.10 for play 2.5.8 using guice-persist-orient 3.2.0 (orient 2.1.23). Official Java seed was used.
Run app either from IDE or using activator:
$ bin/activator run
Open http://localhost:9000 to see default home screen. Useful to check that guice context correctly started.
Next open http://localhost:9000/samples to see sample json output - demo of using repository for accessing db.
guice-persist-orient dependency (build.sbt):
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"ru.vyarus" % "guice-persist-orient" % "3.2.0"
Guice module (recognized by play convention) (Module):
public void configure() {
// in normal application fb config should be obtained from configuration
install(new OrientModule("memory:test", "admin", "admin"));
// initialize scheme from models in package
install(new PackageSchemeModule(Sample.class.getPackage().getName()));
// enable repositories support
install(new RepositoryModule());
// custom data initializer
// bind to play lifecycle (to start / stop persistence support)
Sample class will be registered as scheme orient.
Bootstrap will insert 10 Sample
records on startup (if table is empty)
PersistentLifecycle will start/stop orient persistence support (lifecycle hook).
Due to new play guidelines, global object usage is deprecated and now it's recommended to use constructor as startup hook.
public PersistenceLifecycle(final PersistService persist,
final ApplicationLifecycle shutdown) {
shutdown.addStopHook(() -> {
return null;
IMPORTANT pay attention to preloadOrientEngine() method, which is a hack to pre-initialize orient and avoid NoClassDefFound errors on start.
Actual sample is very simple: SampleController. It simply loads all records in Sample
table and renders it as json.
Repository used for accessing database:
@Query("select from Sample")
List<Sample> allSamples();
Note that @DetachResult
used to convert returned orient proxies to simple pojos (which play could serialize to json).
In normal application, such logic will be in service level or even in controller (for example, using repository.detach(..) method
(which is inherited from object mixin)). But make sure detaching occur inside transaction (@Transactional)).