ZFS Backup Strategy - short term local backups and long term remote sync. Developed to be transparent and easy to use.
Usage: dataleech [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Commandline interface for dataleech Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: snapshot Creates a snapshot, either short, daily,... sync Syncs snapshots to a local or remote backup...
Usage: dataleech snapshot [OPTIONS] NAME Creates a snapshot, either short, daily, weekly or custom Options: --short-keep INTEGER How many short term snapshots to keep --custom-dataset TEXT Custom dataset --custom-name TEXT Custom snapshot name --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: dataleech sync [OPTIONS] Syncs snapshots to a local or remote backup target Options: -l, --local Snyc snapshots to the local backup target -r, --remote Snyc snapshots to the remote backup target -c, --custom Custom source and target, please specify --custom-src TEXT Custom source --custom-dst TEXT Custom destination --help Show this message and exit.