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Background Music Development Log

calculate how long each note should last

  • In general, we can mainly categorize the notes in this sheet music into quarter notes and eighth notes.
  • This music's BPM is 180, which means it plays 180 quarter notes per minute, so every quarter notes lasts for 60s/180 = 0.33s. For convenience, we let it be 0.3s. Therefore the eighth note should last for 0.3s/2 = 0.15s.
  • We must insert a break between the two notes, otherwise two consecutive eighth notes of the same pitch will sound like a quarter note. Thus we add a additional 0.05s break to distinguish two consecutive notes of the same pitch.
  • To sum up, every quarter note would last for 0.3s, followed by 0.05s break. Every eighth note would last for 0.15s, followed by 0.05s break.


calculate every pitch's correspond counter number

  • Every pitch come from a frequency divider whose input clock signal is 100MHz, so we must calculate the counter number to get the accurate frequency.
  • Formula: 100M / pitch's frequency / 2
    • C4(261Hz): 190839
    • D4(293Hz): 170068
    • E4(329Hz): 151515
    • F4(349Hz): 143266
    • G4(391Hz): 127551
    • G4#(415Hz): 120481
    • A4(440Hz): 113636
    • A4#(466Hz): 107296
    • B4(493Hz): 101215
    • C5(523Hz): 95602
    • D5(587Hz): 85178
    • D5#(622Hz): 80385
    • E5(659Hz): 75873
    • F5(698Hz): 71633
    • F5#(739Hz): 67658
    • G5(783Hz): 63776
    • A5(880Hz): 56818
    • B5(987Hz): 50658

pitch generator

  • There're three important inputs
    • counter: Decide which pitch we want to play
    • rest: 1 for rest notes, 0 for regular notes
    • eight: 1 for eighth notes, 0 for quarter notes
  • Two outputs
    • next_note: When a note is played to its full duration, next_note would toggle to 1, telling the top module proceed to the next note
    • note: the pitch we want to play
module note (input clk_100MHz,
              input [17:0] counter,
              input rest,
              input eight,
              output next_note,
              output note
  • we set up a beat_counter which will increment by 1 whenever recieve a posedge clk_1000Hz signal. So, if the eight is 1, the beat_counter will count to 200 and return to 0 (0.15s sound output and 0.05s break). On the other hand, if the eight is 0, it will count to 350 and return to 0 (0.3s sound output and 0.05s break).
  • sound output logic
assign note = clk_out & ~rest & ((eight & (beat_counter <= 150)) | (~eight & (beat_counter <= 300)));

Top module: A Finite State Machine

  • A note is a state. In every state, we input different counter, rest and eight to generate the specific pitch.
    • Totally 188 states...
      //first section
      10'd0: begin //eighth E5
               counter = 18'd75873;
               rest = 0;
               eight = 1;             
      10'd1: begin  //eighth E5
               counter = 18'd75873;
               rest = 0;
               eight = 1;     
      10'd187: begin  //eighth G4
                 counter = 18'd127551;
                 rest = 0;
                 eight = 1;
      10'd188: begin  //quarter rest
                 counter = 18'd0;
                 rest = 1;
                 eight = 0;
  • Next State Logic
    always@(posedge next_note)
      if(state == 188)
        state <= 0;
        state <= state + 1;