forked because the original maintainer doesn't want to expand scope outside fighting games (understandably)
previews were previously handled by 'imgdat,' a non-modular binary format with poor compression that depended on one person with private scripts.
since it'd be pointless without previews, y stripped that out. we now load .RAW or indexed .PNG previews from a "Previews/" folder in the same directory.
probably not maintained(?)
original readme:
Palette-editing software for classic fighting games, mostly centered around Capcom games.
PalMod is the active branch. That's where I'm releasing binaries from. Daily betas are published to .
LKG is a mirror of the 2008 version of this code. This was version "1.22". There are a number of variants of 1.22: some binary hacks of it, and a couple recompiles. In all cases I have folded every positive change I know of into the active branch. There is also a very similar version of "1.22" at DrewDos's PalMod branch on GitHub.