This API for a specialized calendar that can calculate different astronomical times including sunrise and sunset and Jewish zmanim or religious times for prayers and other Jewish religious dutuies. This API Translated KosherJava Zmanim API from JAVA to Dart language.
The library is released under the LGPL 2.1 license.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
kosher_dart: ^2.0.16
To use this plugin, follow the plugin installation instructions.
Add the following import to your Dart code:
import 'package:kosher_dart/kosher_dart.dart';
JewishDate jewishDate = JewishDate();
HebrewDateFormatter hebrewDateFormatter = HebrewDateFormatter();
hebrewDateFormatter.hebrewFormat = true; // optional
hebrewDateFormatter.useGershGershayim = true; // optional
String hebrewDate = hebrewDateFormatter.format(jewishDate);
JewishCalendar jewishCalendar = JewishCalendar();
HebrewDateFormatter hebrewDateFormatter = HebrewDateFormatter();
jewishCalendar.inIsrael = true; // set to true if your location is in israel
hebrewDateFormatter.hebrewFormat = true; // optional
hebrewDateFormatter.useGershGershayim = true; // optional
String yomTov = hebrewDateFormatter.formatYomTov(jewishCalendar);
GeoLocation geoLocation = GeoLocation.setLocation(
'Jerusalem', 31.7962419, 35.2453988,;
ComplexZmanimCalendar complexZmanimCalendar = ComplexZmanimCalendar.intGeoLocation(geoLocation);
DateTime? sofZmanTfila = complexZmanimCalendar.getSofZmanTfilaGRA();
DateTime? minchaKetana = complexZmanimCalendar.getMinchaKetana();