Yagami is a bot that aims to replace the role of spreadsheeters and referees in the osu! tournament scene. All hosts need to do is add the bot to their tournament server, set up some tournament settings, add some mappools and open registrations. The bot will handle team creation, team naming, and anything you might need it to handle.
The first step is inviting the bot to your server.
Then, you'll need to run the following commands to change all of the settings to your liking:
Next, create a tournament:
/tournaments create
You can change the tournament's settings at any time using /tournaments edit
Your server can have multiple tournaments, but only one tournament running at once.
To change which server is currently active, use /tournaments activate
Once your tournament is setup, and you're ready to open registrations:
/tournaments registration enabled:True
Set up a round with the following commands:
/rounds create
/rounds edit
/rounds addmap
/rounds bulkaddmap
Clone the repository, and install the dependencies
git clone https://github.com/clxxiii/yagami.git
pnpm install
You will need to add a .ENV file and add the following variables:
# Your osu username
# Your osu IRC password (https://old.ppy.sh/p/irc)
# Your API key (https://old.ppy.sh/p/api)
# An osu application Client ID
# An osu application Client Secret
# An osu application Redirect URI
# A discord bot token
# The ID of the guild you are developing in
# The client ID of your discord application
# The channel in which global bug reports should be sent to
# This can be changed to a different location if you wish
# A github secret to be used in webhooks
# The branch that will be updated when a commit is made to it
# The channel to send log messages to
# Your twitch bot username
# Your twitch bot token
Next, setup prisma and if you'd like, run prisma studio in a new terminal window
npx prisma init
npx prisma migrate dev
In new window:
npx prisma studio
Lastly, run the dev command to get started!
pnpm run dev