In this project, we’ll be building a site similar (but simpler) to Eventbrite which allows users to create events and then manage user signups. Users can create events. Events take place at a specific date and at a location. including:
-Models -Controllers -Migrations -Views -Simple authentications
- Ruby 2.6
- Ruby in Rails 5
- Git Flow
- SQL Lite 3
Clone the Repo from Gith (
Go to private-events folder and type in the command line following next order:
git clone
rails db: reset
rails db: migrate
- Open in your browser "localhost:3000" to test the models
- Ruby 2.6
- Ruby in Rails 5
- Git Flow
- SQL Lite 3
👤 Yahir Cardona
- Github: @yahir91
- Twitter: @YahirCardona3
- Linkedin: linkedin
👤 Mauricio Santos
- Github: @maosan132
- Twitter: @maosan132
- Linkedin: @maosan132
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.