FOR TOMOCOIN POC REVIEWERS, last 6 symbol of my address is6414e4
FOR POC REVIEWERS, link to contributors and contribution
offical website 官网
offical telegram group官网电报社区
offical telegram channel官网电报公告
facebook 脸书
twitter 推特
linkedin 领英
youtube 油管
Whitepaper Chinese 白皮书
Telegram Announcement 电报公告
FAQ 常见问题解答
Medium Post Medium博文
2017-09-26 公布Quantstamp顾问委员会
2017-10-06 感谢我们的社区
2017-10-10 公布关爱证明
2017-10-12 Request Network令牌销售智能合约安全审计摘要
2017-10-13 迷人的一周
There are tons of new different blockchain projects coming out and ICO every day. Lots of them just borrow ideas here and there. I'd like to see some fresh ones, and when I meet Quantstamp, I feel it's fresh.
I love the idea, and totally agree that security is essential. I created a wechat group and shared some basic and summarized information about quantstamp. And some of the members are interested in it too. I mentioned I want to translate the whitepaper and they want to make contribution too. Then I create the project here for easy access.
I am going to thank all contributors for the effort, and I am going to make a list for all of you, demenstrate your contribution, and you make submit the project link as your Proof-of-Care.
This is the Chinese version Whitepaper. And this is the plan you guys take sections for translation
For better spearding of the amazing project, I am going to translate quantstamp medium post too for the chinese language community.
Here are the contributors.
- Neil
- Telegram: @yajiya
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Create wechat group for discussion and spreading
- Creator of the co-translation project.
- Make some summary of the project in Chinese language, which let it be easy for quotation or reference or spreading.
- Translate whitepaper section:
- The Problem
- Quantstamp Protocol
- Quantstamp, by example
- Tradecraft
- Incremental releases and the subscription model
- Bug Finders
- Security Disclosure Strategy
- Re-translate Distributed and Parallel SAT
- Translate medium post to Chinese
- Translate TelegramANN selective to Chinese
- Audit work of the translation
- Creator of Github project of awesome-quantstamp, which will link to kinds of awesome stuffs about quantstamp
- Promot Quantstamp to different audiences in different scenarios
- Involve in telegram group and answer kind of questions in spare time.
- xiaohei
- Telegram: 15536543642
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Smart Contract Improvements
- How we improve the developer's process
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Telegram: @pity61
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Financial Planning
- Research contributions by our team;
- Promot QSP project to telegram;
- Translate whitepaper section:
- LL
- Telegram: @littleliangliang
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Security Audit Engine
- Architectural View
- Quantstamp Validation Smart Contract for Ethereum
- Quantstamp Network for Ethereum
- Quantstamp Reports
- Promot QSP project to telegram;
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Mark
- Telegram: @mark4511
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section: (Really Hight Quality -- audited by @yajiya
- Validation Protocol
- Design
- Translate whitepaper section: (Really Hight Quality -- audited by @yajiya
- Kerwin
- Telegram: @kerwinguo
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Detailed Bios、
- Addendum A;
- Promot QSP project on telegram and slack
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Solei
- Telegram: [@Soleil1991]
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Parallel SAT and consensus
- Common vulnerabilities for Ethereum/Solidity
- Translate whitepaper section:
- Leisu
- Telegram: [@leisu188]
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section
- Common vulnerabilities for Ethereum/Solidity
- Translate whitepaper section
- Allen
- Telegram: [@dreamhigh2017]
- Email:
- Contribution:
- Translate whitepaper section (Good Quality -- audited by @yajiya
- Addendum B
- Promot QSP project on telegram and slack
- Translate whitepaper section (Good Quality -- audited by @yajiya