taxonomy: 常用推荐 icon: fa-star links:
- title: Dribbble logo: url: https://dribbble.com/ description: 全球UI设计师作品分享平台。
- title: Behance url: https://behance.net/ description: Adobe旗下的设计师交流平台,来自世界各地的设计师在这里分享自己的作品。
- title: 二维码演示 qrcode: images/qrcodes/cli.png logo: url: https://cli.im/url description: 二维码演示,手机扫一扫,也可以点击
- title: UI中国 url: https://www.ui.cn/ description: 图形交互与界面设计交流、作品展示、学习平台。
- title: 站酷 url: https://www.zcool.com.cn/ description: 中国人气设计师互动平台
- title: Pinterest logo: url: https://www.pinterest.com/ description: 全球美图收藏采集站
- title: 花瓣 logo: url: https://huaban.com/ description: 收集灵感,保存有用的素材
- title: Medium url: https://medium.com/ description: 高质量设计文章
- title: 优设
url: https://www.uisdc.com/ description: 设计师交流学习平台 - title: Producthunt url: https://www.producthunt.com/ description: 发现新鲜有趣的产品
- title: Youtube url: https://www.youtube.com/ description: 全球最大的学习分享平台
- title: Google url: https://www.google.com/ description: 全球最大的UI学习分享平台
taxonomy: 社区咨询 icon: fa-regular fa-newspaper links:
- title: 雷锋网 logo: images/logos/leiphone.png url: https://www.leiphone.com/ description: 人工智能和智能硬件领域的互联网科技媒体
- title: 36kr logo: images/logos/36kr.png url: https://36kr.com/ description: 创业资讯、科技新闻
- title: 数英网 logo: images/logos/digitaling.png url: https://www.digitaling.com/ description: 数字媒体及职业招聘网站
- title: 猎云网 logo: images/logos/lieyunwang.png url: https://www.lieyunwang.com/ description: 互联网创业项目推荐和创业创新资讯
- title: 人人都是产品经理 logo: images/logos/woshipm.png url: http://www.woshipm.com/ description: 产品经理、产品爱好者学习交流平台
- title: 互联网早读课 logo: images/logos/zaodula.png url: https://www.zaodula.com/ description: 互联网行业深度阅读与学习平台
- title: 产品壹佰 logo: images/logos/chanpin100.png url: http://www.chanpin100.com/ description: 为产品经理爱好者提供最优质的产品资讯、原创内容和相关视频课程
- title: PMCAFF logo: images/logos/pmcaff.png url: http://www.pmcaff.com/ description: 中国第一产品经理人气组织,专注于研究互联网产品
- title: 爱运营 logo: images/logos/iyunying.png url: http://www.iyunying.org/ description: 网站运营人员学习交流,专注于网站产品运营管理、淘宝运营。
- title: 鸟哥笔记 logo: images/logos/niaogebiji.png url: http://www.niaogebiji.com/ description: 移动互联网第一干货平台
- title: 古田路9号 logo: images/logos/gtn9.png url: http://www.gtn9.com/ description: 国内专业品牌创意平台
- title: 优阁网 logo: images/logos/uigreat.png url: http://www.uigreat.com/ description: UI设计师学习交流社区
taxonomy: 灵感采集 icon: fa-regular fa-lightbulb list:
term: 发现产品 links:
- title: Producthunt logo: images/logos/producthunt.png url: https://www.producthunt.com/ description: 发现新鲜有趣的产品
- title: NEXT logo: images/logos/NEXT.png url: https://next.36kr.com/posts description: 不错过任何一个新产品
- title: 少数派 logo: images/logos/sspai.png url: https://sspai.com/ description: 高品质数字消费指南
- title: 利器 logo: images/logos/liqi.png url: https://liqi.io/ description: 创造者和他们的工具
- title: Today logo: images/logos/today.png url: http://today.itjuzi.com/ description: 为身边的新产品喝彩
- title: 小众软件 logo: images/logos/appinn.png url: https://faxian.appinn.com/ description: 在这里发现更多有趣的应用
term: 界面灵感 links:
- title: Pttrns logo: images/logos/Pttrns.png url: https://www.pttrns.com/ description: Check out the finest collection of design patterns, resources, mobile apps and inspiration
- title: Collect UI logo: images/logos/CollectUI.png url: http://collectui.com/ description: Daily inspiration collected from daily ui archive and beyond.
- title: UI uigreat logo: images/logos/uiuigreat.png url: http://ui.uigreat.com/ description: APP界面截图参考
- title: Android Niceties logo: images/logos/AndroidNiceties.png url: https://androidniceties.tumblr.com/ description: A collection of screenshots encompassing some of the most beautiful looking Android apps.
term: 网页灵感 links:
- title: Awwwards logo: images/logos/awwwards.png url: https://www.awwwards.com/ description: Awwwards are the Website Awards that recognize and promote the talent and effort of the best developers, designers and web agencies in the world.
- title: CSS Design Awards logo: images/logos/CSSDesignAwards.png url: https://www.cssdesignawards.com/ description: Website Awards & Inspiration - CSS Gallery
- title: The FWA logo: images/logos/fwa.png url: https://thefwa.com/ description: FWA - showcasing innovation every day since 2000
- title: Ecommercefolio logo: images/logos/Ecommercefolio.png url: http://www.ecommercefolio.com/ description: Only the Best Ecommerce Design Inspiration
- title: Lapa logo: images/logos/Lapa.png url: http://www.lapa.ninja/ description: The best landing page design inspiration from around the web.
- title: Reeoo logo: images/logos/reeoo.png url: http://reeoo.com/ description: web design inspiration and website gallery
- title: Designmunk logo: images/logos/designmunk.png url: https://designmunk.com/ description: Best Homepage Design Inspiration
- title: Best Websites Gallery logo: images/logos/BWG.png url: https://bestwebsite.gallery/ description: Website Showcase Inspiration | Best Websites Gallery
- title: Pages logo: images/logos/pages.png url: http://www.pages.xyz/ description: Curated directory of the best Pages
- title: SiteSee logo: images/logos/SiteSee.png url: https://sitesee.co/ description: SiteSee is a curated gallery of beautiful, modern websites collections.
- title: Site Inspire logo: images/logos/siteInspire.png url: https://www.siteinspire.com/ description: A CSS gallery and showcase of the best web design inspiration.
- title: WebInspiration logo: images/logos/WebInspiration.png url: http://web.uedna.com/ description: 网页设计欣赏,全球顶级网页设计
- title: navnav logo: images/logos/navnav.png url: https://navnav.co/ description: A ton of CSS, jQuery, and JavaScript responsive navigation examples, demos, and tutorials from all over the web.
- title: Really Good UX logo: images/logos/ReallyGoodUX.png url: https://www.reallygoodux.io/ description: A library of screenshots and examples of really good UX. Brought to you by
taxonomy: 素材资源 icon: fa-thumbs-up list:
term: 图标素材 links:
- title: Iconfinder logo: images/logos/Iconfinder.png url: https://www.iconfinder.com description: 2,100,000+ free and premium vector icons.
- title: iconfont logo: images/logos/iconfont.png url: http://www.iconfont.cn/ description: 阿里巴巴矢量图标库
- title: iconmonstr logo: images/logos/iconmonstr.png url: https://iconmonstr.com/ description: Free simple icons for your next project
- title: Icon Archive logo: images/logos/iconarchive.png url: http://www.iconarchive.com/ description: Search 590,912 free icons
- title: FindIcons logo: images/logos/FindIcons.png url: https://findicons.com/ description: Search through 300,000 free icons
- title: IcoMoonApp logo: images/logos/IcoMoonApp.png url: https://icomoon.io/app/ description: Icon Font, SVG, PDF & PNG Generator
- title: easyicon logo: images/logos/easyicon.png url: http://www.easyicon.net/ description: PNG、ICO、ICNS格式图标搜索、图标下载服务
- title: flaticon logo: images/logos/flaticon.png url: https://www.flaticon.com/ description: 634,000+ Free vector icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as ICON FONT.
- title: UICloud logo: images/logos/UICloud.png url: http://ui-cloud.com/ description: The largest user interface design database in the world.
- title: Material icons logo: images/logos/Materialicons.png url: https://material.io/icons/ description: Access over 900 material system icons, available in a variety of sizes and densities, and as a web font.
- title: Font Awesome Icon logo: images/logos/fontawesomeicon.png url: https://fontawesome.com/icons/ description: The complete set of 675 icons in Font Awesome
- title: ion icons logo: images/logos/ionicons.png url: http://ionicons.com/ description: The premium icon font for Ionic Framework.
- title: Simpleline Icons logo: images/logos/simplelineicons.png url: http://simplelineicons.com/ description: Simple line Icons pack
term: LOGO设计 links:
- title: Iconsfeed logo: images/logos/iconsfeed.png url: http://www.iconsfeed.com/ description: iOS icons gallery
- title: iOS Icon Gallery logo: images/logos/iosicongallery.png url: http://iosicongallery.com/ description: Showcasing beautiful icon designs from the iOS App Store
- title: World Vector Logo logo: images/logos/worldvectorlogo.png url: https://worldvectorlogo.com/ description: Brand logos free to download
- title: Instant Logo Search logo: images/logos/InstantLogoSearch.png url: http://instantlogosearch.com/ description: Search & download thousands of logos instantly
term: 平面素材 links:
- title: freepik logo: images/logos/freepik.png url: https://www.freepik.com/ description: More than a million free vectors, PSD, photos and free icons.
- title: wallhalla logo: images/logos/wallhalla.png url: https://wallhalla.com/ description: Find awesome high quality wallpapers for desktop and mobile in one place.
- title: 365PSD logo: images/logos/365PSD.png url: https://365psd.com/ description: Free PSD & Graphics, Illustrations
- title: Medialoot logo: images/logos/Medialoot.png url: https://medialoot.com/ description: Free & Premium Design Resources — Medialoot
- title: 千图网 logo: images/logos/qiantu.png url: http://www.58pic.com/ description: 专注免费设计素材下载的网站
- title: 千库网 logo: images/logos/qianku.png url: http://588ku.com/ description: 免费png图片背景素材下载
- title: 我图网 logo: images/logos/wotu.png url: http://www.ooopic.com/ description: 我图网,提供图片素材及模板下载,专注正版设计作品交易
- title: 90设计 logo: images/logos/90sheji.png url: http://90sheji.com/ description: 电商设计(淘宝美工)千图免费淘宝素材库
- title: 昵图网 logo: images/logos/nipic.png url: http://www.nipic.com/ description: 原创素材共享平台
- title: 懒人图库 logo: images/logos/lanrentuku.png url: http://www.lanrentuku.com/ description: 懒人图库专注于提供网页素材下载
- title: 素材搜索 logo: images/logos/sousucai.png url: http://so.ui001.com/ description: 设计素材搜索聚合
- title: PS饭团网 logo: images/logos/psefan.png url: http://psefan.com/ description: 不一样的设计素材库!让自己的设计与众不同!
- title: 素材中国 logo: images/logos/sccnn.png url: http://www.sccnn.com/ description: 免费素材共享平台
term: UI资源 links:
- title: Freebiesbug logo: images/logos/freebiesbug.png url: https://freebiesbug.com/ description: Hand-picked resources for web designer and developers, constantly updated.
- title: Freebie Supply logo: images/logos/freebiesupply.png url: https://freebiesupply.com/ description: Free Resources For Designers
- title: 云瑞 logo: images/logos/yrucd.png url: https://www.yrucd.com/ description: 优秀设计资源的分享网站
- title: Designmodo logo: images/logos/Designmodo.png url: https://designmodo.com/ description: Web Design Blog and Shop
- title: 稀土区 logo: images/logos/xituqu.png url: https://xituqu.com/ description: 优质设计开发资源分享
- title: ui8 logo: images/logos/ui8.png url: https://ui8.net/ description: UI Kits, Wireframe Kits, Templates, Icons and More
- title: uplabs logo: images/logos/uplabs.png url: https://www.uplabs.com/ description: Daily resources for product designers & developers
- title: UIkit.me logo: images/logos/uikitme.png url: http://www.uikit.me/ description: 最便捷新鲜的uikit资源下载网站
- title: Fribbble logo: images/logos/Fribbble.png url: http://www.fribbble.com/ description: Free PSD files and other free design resources by Dribbblers.
- title: PrincipleRepo logo: images/logos/PrincipleRepo.png url: http://principlerepo.com/ description: Free, High Quality Principle Resources
term: Sketch资源 links:
- title: Sketch url: https://sketchapp.com/ logo: images/logos/Sketch.png description: The digital design toolkit
- title: Sketch Measure url: http://utom.design/measure/ logo: images/logos/SketchMeasure.png description: Friendly user interface offers you a more intuitive way of making marks.
- title: Sketch App Sources url: https://www.sketchappsources.com/ logo: images/logos/sketchappsources.png description: Free design resources and plugins - Icons, UI Kits, Wireframes, iOS, Android Templates for Sketch
- title: Sketch.im url: http://www.sketch.im/ logo: images/logos/sketchIm.png description: Sketch 相关资源汇聚
- title: Sketch Hunt url: http://sketchhunt.com/ logo: images/logos/sketchhunt.png description: Sketch Hunt is an independent blog sharing gems in learning, plugins & design tools for fans of Sketch app.
- title: Sketch中文网 url: http://www.sketchcn.com/ logo: images/logos/sketchcn.png description: 分享最新的Sketch中文手册
- title: Awesome Sketch Plugins url: https://awesome-sket.ch/ logo: images/logos/AwesomeSketchPlugins.png description: A collection of really useful Sketch plugins.
- title: Sketchcasts url: https://www.sketchcasts.net/ logo: images/logos/sketchcasts.png description: Learn Sketch Train your design skills with a weekly video tutorial
term: 字体资源 links:
- title: Google Font url: https://fonts.google.com/ logo: images/logos/googlefont.png description: Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography
- title: Typekit url: https://typekit.com/ logo: images/logos/typekit.png description: Quality fonts from the world’s best foundries.
- title: 方正字库 url: http://www.foundertype.com/ logo: images/logos/Fondertype.png description: 方正字库官方网站
- title: 字体传奇网 url: http://ziticq.com/ logo: images/logos/ziticq.png description: 中国首个字体品牌设计师交流网
- title: 私藏字体 url: http://sicangziti.com/ logo: images/logos/sicangziti.png description: 优质字体免费下载站
- title: Fontsquirrel url: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/ logo: images/logos/fontsquirrel.png description: FREE fonts for graphic designers
- title: Urban Fonts url: https://www.urbanfonts.com/ logo: images/logos/UrbanFonts.png description: Download Free Fonts and Free Dingbats.
- title: Lost Type url: http://www.losttype.com/ logo: images/logos/losttype.png description: Lost Type is a Collaborative Digital Type Foundry
- title: FONTS2U url: https://fonts2u.com/ logo: images/logos/fonts2u.png description: Download free fonts for Windows and Macintosh.
- title: Fontex url: http://www.fontex.org/ logo: images/logos/fontex.png description: Free Fonts to Download + Premium Typefaces
- title: FontM url: http://fontm.com/ logo: images/logos/FontM.png description: Free Fonts
- title: My Fonts url: http://www.myfonts.com/ logo: images/logos/MyFonts.png description: Fonts for Print, Products & Screens
- title: Da Font url: https://www.dafont.com/ logo: images/logos/dafont.png description: Archive of freely downloadable fonts.
- title: OnlineWebFonts url: https://www.onlinewebfonts.com/ logo: images/logos/OnlineWebFonts.png description: WEB Free Fonts for Windows and Mac / Font free Download
- title: Abstract Fonts url: http://www.abstractfonts.com/ logo: images/logos/abstractfonts.png description: Abstract Fonts (13,866 free fonts)
term: Mockup links:
- title: MockupZone url: https://mockup.zone/ logo: images/logos/MockupZone.png description: Mockup Zone is an online store where you can find free and premium PSD mockup files to show your designs in a professional way.
- title: Dunnnk url: http://dunnnk.com/ logo: images/logos/Dunnnk.png description: Generate Product Mockups For Free
- title: Graphberry url: http://www.graphberry.com/ logo: images/logos/graphberry.png description: Free design resources, Mockups, PSD web templates, Icons
- title: Threed url: http://threed.io/ logo: images/logos/threed.png description: Generate 3D Mockups right in your Browser
- title: Mockup World url: https://free.lstore.graphics/ logo: images/logos/mockupworld.png description: The best free Mockups from the Web
- title: Lstore url: https://free.lstore.graphics/ logo: images/logos/lstore.png description: Exclusive mindblowing freebies for designers and developers
- title: pixeden url: https://www.pixeden.com/ logo: images/logos/pixeden.png description: free web resources and graphic design templates.
- title: For Graphic TM url: http://forgraphictm.com/ logo: images/logos/forgraphictm.png description: High Quality PSD Mockups for Graphic Designers.
term: 摄影图库 links:
- title: Unsplash url: https://unsplash.com/ logo: images/logos/unsplash.png description: Beautiful, free photos.
- title: visualhunt url: https://visualhunt.com/ logo: images/logos/visualhunt.png description: 100% Free High Quality Photos
- title: librestock url: https://librestock.com/ logo: images/logos/librestock.png description: 65,084 high quality do-what-ever-you-want stock photos
- title: pixabay url: https://pixabay.com/ logo: images/logos/pixabay.png description: 可在任何地方使用的免费图片和视频
- title: SplitShire url: https://www.splitshire.com/ logo: images/logos/SplitShire.png description: Free Stock Photos and Videos for commercial use.
- title: StockSnap url: https://stocksnap.io/ logo: images/logos/StockSnap.png description: Beautiful free stock photos
- title: albumarium url: http://albumarium.com/ logo: images/logos/albumarium.png description: The best place to find & share beautiful images
- title: myphotopack url: https://myphotopack.com/ logo: images/logos/myphotopack.png description: A free photo pack just for you. Every month.
- title: Notaselfie url: http://notaselfie.com/ logo: images/logos/notaselfie.png description: Photos that happen along the way. You can use the images anyway you like. Have fun!
- title: papers url: http://papers.co/ logo: images/logos/papers.png description: Wallpapers Every Hour!Hand collected :)
- title: stokpic url: http://stokpic.com/ logo: images/logos/stokpic.png description: Free Stock Photos For Commercial Use
- title: 55mm url: https://55mm.co/visuals logo: images/logos/55mm.png description: Use our FREE photos to tell your story!
- title: thestocks url: http://thestocks.im/ logo: images/logos/thestocks.png description: Use our FREE photos to tell your story!
- title: freenaturestock url: http://freenaturestock.com/ logo: images/logos/freenaturestock.png description: Exclusive mindblowing freebies for designers and developers
- title: negativespace url: https://negativespace.co/ logo: images/logos/negativespace.png description: Beautiful, High-Resolution Free Stock Photos
- title: gratisography url: https://gratisography.com/ logo: images/logos/gratisography.png description: Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects, free of copyright restrictions.
- title: imcreator url: http://imcreator.com/free logo: images/logos/imcreator.png description: A curated collection of free web design resources, all for commercial use.
- title: lifeofpix url: http://www.lifeofpix.com/ logo: images/logos/lifeofpix.png description: Free high resolution photography
- title: skitterphoto url: https://skitterphoto.com/ logo: images/logos/skitterphoto.png description: Free Stock Photos for Creative Professionals
- title: mmtstock url: https://mmtstock.com/ logo: images/logos/mmtstock.png description: Free photos for commercial use
- title: skitterphoto url: https://skitterphoto.com/ logo: images/logos/skitterphoto.png description: a place to find, show and share public domain photos
- title: magdeleine url: https://magdeleine.co/browse/ logo: images/logos/magdeleine.png description: HAND-PICKED FREE PHOTOS FOR YOUR INSPIRATION
- title: jeshoots url: http://jeshoots.com/ logo: images/logos/jeshoots.png description: New Free Photos & Mockups in to your Inbox!
- title: hdwallpapers url: https://www.hdwallpapers.net logo: images/logos/hdwallpapers.png description: High Definition Wallpapers & Desktop Backgrounds
- title: publicdomainarchive url: http://publicdomainarchive.com/ logo: images/logos/publicdomainarchive.png description: New 100% Free Stock Photos. Every. Single. Week.
term: PPT资源 links:
- title: OfficePLUS url: http://www.officeplus.cn/Template/Home.shtml logo: images/logos/officeplus.png description: OfficePLUS,微软Office官方在线模板网站!
- title: 优品PPT url: http://www.ypppt.com/ logo: images/logos/ypppt.png description: 高质量的模版,而且还有PPT图表,PPT背景图等资源
- title: PPT+ url: http://www.pptplus.cn/ logo: images/logos/pptplus.png description: PPT加直播、录制和分享—PPT+语音内容分享平台
- title: PPTMind url: http://www.pptmind.com/ logo: images/logos/pptmind.png description: 分享高端ppt模板与keynote模板的数字作品交易平台
- title: tretars url: http://www.tretars.com/ppt-templates logo: images/logos/tretars.png description: The best free Mockups from the Web
- title: 5百丁 url: http://ppt.500d.me/ logo: images/logos/500d.png description: 中国领先的PPT模板共享平台
taxonomy: 常用工具 icon: fa-palette list:
term: 图形创意 links:
- title: photoshop url: https://www.adobe.com/cn/products/photoshop.html logo: images/logos/photoshop.png description: Photoshop不需要解释
- title: Affinity Designer url: https://affinity.serif.com/ logo: images/logos/AffinityDesigner.png description: 专业创意软件
- title: Illustrator url: https://www.adobe.com/cn/products/illustrator/ logo: images/logos/Illustrator.png description: 矢量图形和插图。
- title: indesign url: http://www.adobe.com/cn/products/indesign.html logo: images/logos/INDESIGN .png description: 页面设计、布局和出版。
- title: cinema-4d url: https://www.maxon.net/en/products/cinema-4d/overview/ logo: images/logos/cinema4d.png description: Cinema 4D is the perfect package for all 3D artists who want to achieve breathtaking results fast and hassle-free.
- title: 3ds-max url: https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max/overview logo: images/logos/3dsmax.png description: 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software
- title: Blender url: https://www.blender.org/ logo: images/logos/blender.png description: Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite.
term: 界面设计 links:
- title: Sketch url: https://sketchapp.com/ logo: images/logos/sketchapp.png description: The digital design toolkit
- title: Adobe XD url: http://www.adobe.com/products/xd.html logo: images/logos/ADOBEXDCC.png description: Introducing Adobe XD. Design. Prototype. Experience.
- title: invisionapp url: https://www.invisionapp.com/ logo: images/logos/invisionapp.png description: Powerful design prototyping tools
- title: marvelapp url: https://marvelapp.com/ logo: images/logos/marvelapp.png description: Simple design, prototyping and collaboration
- title: Muse CC url: https://creative.adobe.com/zh-cn/products/download/muse logo: images/logos/MuseCC.png description: 无需利用编码即可进行网站设计。
- title: figma url: https://www.figma.com/ logo: images/logos/figma.png description: Design, prototype, and gather feedback all in one place with Figma.
term: 交互动效 links:
- title: Adobe After Effects CC url: https://www.adobe.com/cn/products/aftereffects/ logo: images/logos/AdobeAfterEffectsCC.png description: 电影般的视觉效果和动态图形。
- title: principle url: http://principleformac.com/ logo: images/logos/principle.png description: Animate Your Ideas, Design Better Apps
- title: flinto url: https://www.flinto.com/ logo: images/logos/flinto.png description: Flinto is a Mac app used by top designers around the world to create interactive and animated prototypes of their app designs.
- title: framer url: https://framer.com/ logo: images/logos/framer.png description: Design everything from detailed icons to high-fidelity interactions—all in one place.
- title: ProtoPie url: http://www.protopie.cn/ logo: images/logos/protopie.png description: 高保真交互原型设计
term: 在线配色 links:
- title: khroma url: http://khroma.co/generator/ logo: images/logos/khroma.png description: Khroma is the fastest way to discover, search, and save color combos you'll want to use.
- title: uigradients url: https://uigradients.com logo: images/logos/uigradients.png description: Beautiful colored gradients
- title: gradients url: http://gradients.io/ logo: images/logos/gradients.png description: Curated gradients for designers and developers
- title: Coolest url: https://webkul.github.io/coolhue/ logo: images/logos/Coolest.png description: Coolest handpicked Gradient Hues for your next super ⚡ amazing stuff
- title: webgradients url: https://webgradients.com/ logo: images/logos/webgradients.png description: WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
- title: grabient url: https://www.grabient.com/ logo: images/logos/grabient.png description: 2017 Grabient by unfold
- title: thedayscolor url: http://www.thedayscolor.com/ logo: images/logos/thedayscolor.png description: The daily color digest
- title: flatuicolors url: http://flatuicolors.com/ logo: images/logos/flatuicolors.png description: Copy Paste Color Pallette from Flat UI Theme
- title: coolors url: https://coolors.co/ logo: images/logos/coolors.png description: The super fast color schemes generator!
- title: colorhunt url: http://www.colorhunt.co/ logo: images/logos/colorhunt.png description: Beautiful Color Palettes
- title: Adobe Color CC url: https://color.adobe.com/zh/create/color-wheel logo: images/logos/AdobeColorCC.png description: Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Color community.
- title: flatuicolorpicker url: http://www.flatuicolorpicker.com/ logo: images/logos/flatuicolorpicker.png description: Best Flat Colors For UI Design
- title: trianglify url: http://qrohlf.com/trianglify-generator/ logo: images/logos/trianglify.png description: Trianglify Generator
- title: klart url: https://klart.co/colors/ logo: images/logos/klart.png description: Beautiful colors and designs to your inbox every week
- title: vanschneider url: http://www.vanschneider.com/colors logo: images/logos/vanschneider.png description: Color Claim was created in 2012 by Tobias van Schneider with the goal to collect & combine unique colors for my future projects.
term: 在线工具 links:
- title: tinypng url: https://tinypng.com/ logo: images/logos/tinypng.png description: Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size.
- title: goqr url: http://goqr.me/ logo: images/logos/goqr.png description: create QR codes for free (Logo, T-Shirt, vCard, EPS)
- title: ezgif url: https://ezgif.com logo: images/logos/ezgif.png description: simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing.
- title: Android 9 patch url: http://inloop.github.io/shadow4android/ logo: images/logos/Android9patch.png description: Android 9-patch shadow generator fully customizable shadows
- title: screen sizes url: http://screensiz.es/ logo: images/logos/screensizes.png description: Viewport Sizes and Pixel Densities for Popular Devices
- title: svgomg url: https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/ logo: images/logos/svgomg.png description: SVG在线压缩平台
- title: 稿定抠图 url: https://www.gaoding.com logo: images/logos/gaoding.png description: 免费在线抠图软件,图片快速换背景-抠白底图
term: Chrome插件 links:
- title: wappalyzer url: https://www.wappalyzer.com/ logo: images/logos/wappalyzer.png description: Identify technology on websites
- title: Panda url: http://usepanda.com/ logo: images/logos/usepanda.png description: A smart news reader built for productivity.
- title: sizzy url: https://sizzy.co/ logo: images/logos/sizzy.png description: A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fast
- title: csspeeper url: https://csspeeper.com/ logo: images/logos/csspeeper.png description: Smart CSS viewer tailored for Designers.
- title: insight url: http://insight.io/ logo: images/logos/insight.png description: IDE-like code search and navigation, on the cloud
- title: mustsee url: http://mustsee.earth/ logo: images/logos/mustsee.png description: Discover the world's most beautiful places at every opened tab.
taxonomy: 学习教程 icon: fa-regular fa-folder-open list:
term: 设计规范 links:
- title: Design Guidelines url: http://designguidelines.co/ logo: images/logos/designguidelines.png description: Design Guidelines — The way products are built.
- title: Awesome design systems url: https://github.com/alexpate/awesome-design-systems logo: images/logos/awesome_design_systems.png description: A collection of awesome design systems
- title: Material Design url: https://material.io/guidelines/ logo: images/logos/Material_Design.png description: Introduction - Material Design
- title: Human Interface Guidelines url: https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines logo: images/logos/human_interface_guidelines.png description: Human Interface Guidelines iOS
- title: Photoshop Etiquette url: http://viggoz.com/photoshopetiquette/ logo: images/logos/photoshopetiquette.png description: PS礼仪-WEB设计指南
term: 视频教程 links:
- title: Photoshop Lady url: http://www.photoshoplady.com/ logo: images/logos/PhotoshopLady.png description: Your Favourite Photoshop Tutorials in One Place
- title: doyoudo url: http://doyoudo.com/ logo: images/logos/doyoudo.png description: 创意设计软件学习平台
- title: 没位道 url: http://www.c945.com/web-ui-tutorial/ logo: images/logos/web_ui_tutorial.png description: WEB UI免费视频公开课
- title: 慕课网 url: https://www.imooc.com/ logo: images/logos/imooc.png description: 程序员的梦工厂(有UI课程)
term: 设计文章 links:
- title: 优设网 url: http://www.uisdc.com/ logo: images/logos/uisdc.png description: 设计师交流学习平台
- title: Web Design Ledger url: https://webdesignledger.com logo: images/logos/webdesignledger.png description: Web Design Blog
- title: Medium url: https://medium.com/ logo: images/logos/medium.png description: Read, write and share stories that matter
term: 设计电台 links:
- title: UX Coffee url: http://uxcoffee.co/ logo: images/logos/uxcoffee.png description: 《UX Coffee 设计咖》是一档关于用户体验的播客节目。我们邀请来自硅谷和国内的学者和职人来聊聊「产品设计」、「用户体验」和「个人成长」。
- title: Anyway.FM url: https://anyway.fm/ logo: images/logos/anyway.png description: 设计杂谈 • UI 设计师 JJ 和 Leon 主播的设计播客
- title: 异能电台 url: https://www.yineng.fm logo: images/logos/yineng.png description: 将全宇宙设计师的故事讲给你听。
term: 交互设计 links:
- title: Little Big Details url: http://littlebigdetails.com/ logo: images/logos/littlebigdetails.png description: Little Big Details is a curated collection of the finer details of design, updated every day.
- title: Smashing Magazine url: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/category/user-experience logo: images/logos/smashingmagazine.png description: Below you’ll find the best tips to take not only your UX design process but also the experiences you craft to the next level.
- title: nngroup url: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ logo: images/logos/nngroup.png description: Evidence-Based User Experience Research, Training, and Consulting
- title: Boxes and Arrows url: http://boxesandarrows.com/ logo: images/logos/boxesandarrows.png description: Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business.
- title: UX Design Weekly url: http://uxdesignweekly.com/ logo: images/logos/uxdesignweekly.png description: get a hand picked list of the best user experience design links every week.
- title: UX Ren url: http://uxren.cn/ logo: images/logos/uxren.png description: 用户体验人的专业社区
taxonomy: UED团队 icon: fa-user-group links:
- title: Airbnb Design url: https://airbnb.design logo: images/logos/AirbnbDesign.png description: Airbnb Design
- title: Facebook Design url: http://facebook.design/ logo: images/logos/FacebookDesign.png description: Facebook Design
- title: Google Design url: https://design.google/ logo: images/logos/GoogleDesign.png description: Google Design
- title: eico design url: http://eicodesign.com/ logo: images/logos/eico.png description: 数字化咨询与产品专家
- title: nice design url: http://www.niceui.cn/ logo: images/logos/niceui.png description: nicedesign奈思设计是领先的用户体验设计与互联网品牌建设公司
- title: 腾讯CDC url: http://cdc.tencent.com/ logo: images/logos/cdc.png description: 腾讯CDC关注于互联网视觉设计、交互设计、用户研究、前端开发。
- title: TGideas url: http://tgideas.qq.com/ logo: images/logos/tgideas.png description: TGideas隶属于腾讯公司互动娱乐业务系统的专业推广类设计团队
- title: ISUX url: https://isux.tencent.com/ logo: images/logos/isux.png description: 腾讯社交用户体验设计部
- title: MXD url: http://mxd.tencent.com/ logo: images/logos/mxd.png description: 腾讯MIG无线互联网事业群设计团队
- title: Aliued url: http://www.aliued.com/ logo: images/logos/aliued.png description: 阿里巴巴国际UED团队
- title: U一点 url: http://www.aliued.cn/ logo: images/logos/aliuedcn.png description: 阿里巴巴(中国站)用户体验设计部博客U一点设计 UED团队
- title: 网易uedc url: http://uedc.163.com/ logo: images/logos/uedc.png description: 网易用户体验设计中心(User Experience Design Center)
- title: 百度用户体验中心 url: http://ued.baidu.com/ logo: images/logos/uedbaidu.png description: 百度用户体验中心
- title: 京东设计中心 url: http://jdc.jd.com/ logo: images/logos/JDC.png description: 京东设计中心
- title: 百度企业产品用户体验中心 url: http://eux.baidu.com/ logo: images/logos/euxbaidu.png description: 百度企业产品用户体验中心
- title: 携程设计委员会 url: http://ued.ctrip.com/ logo: images/logos/ctrip.png description: 携程设计委员会-Ctrip Design Committee
taxonomy: 友情链接 icon: fa-link friend:
- title: 子页面一 url: sub1 description: 本站子页面1
- title: 子页面二 url: sub2 description: 本站子页面2
- title: webstack.cc url: https://webstack.cc description: webstack - 设计师网址导航
- title: 一为导航 url: https://nav.iowen.cn/ description: onenav主题演示站
- title: 趣导航 url: https://qssily.com/
- title: 404导航 url: https://www.404dh.icu/ description: 只导航优质资源
- title: OPENI url: https://openi.cn/
- title: 飞猪ai导航 url: https://feizhuke.com/ description: AI工具集箱
- title: bioit导航 url: https://www.bioit.top/ description:
- title: 所长导航 url: https://liutongxu.github.io/ description:
- title: 一为webstack url: https://webstack.iotheme.cn/
- title: iplaycode url: https://iplaycode.github.io/nav/ description: iplaycode的demo导航网站
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