What is this? This is a really small helper (you could do it in 2 lines, really)
to work with the idea of inlined BDD test blocks. Those are the describe
blocks JavaScript testing frameworks like mocha
The idea is to write them along your code. When running your code with mocha
or whatever you want to run them with, they'll be treated as tests. When
running your tests normallly, they'll treated as noops. An example:
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
describe('add(x, y)', function() {
var assert = require('assert');
it('add(1, 1) is 2', function() {
assert(add(1, 1) === 2);
This is not implemented yet
There's something important this little package should provide: an utility for removing those test blocks from your code. This is for browser people, who don't want test blocks to be shipped to clients.
$ echo "describe('stuff', function() {it('here');});" > example.js
$ mkdir output
$ mocha-inline example.js
Removed 1 `describe` from example.js (example.js -> example-notest.js)
This code is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.