This an user friendly demo for visual question answering. It is essentially a pipeline that combines an image feature extractaion tool and a fast attention implementation. These two repos implement the BUTD system described in "Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering" ( and "Tips and Tricks for Visual Question Answering: Learnings from the 2017 Challenge" (
We modify the BUTD code in both above repos to make it applicable to any new image on the website. In addition, we re-draw the image to show the attention on the image. We further improved the above models in the following ways:
- Make use of position information in the attention model
- Add a layer to the attention model, which improves the accuracy
We include the pre-trained attention model as a tar.gz in this repo, which is last missing piece of pre-trained models needed in those two repos. The users will need to decompress it. Also, the users need to follow the installation instruments in the two sub-folders, and download the pre-trained models and dictionaries..