The dtxg module provides powerful extensions to the standard dateutil module, available in Python.
dtxg can be installed from PyPI using pip:
pip install dtxg
dtxg is available on PyPI
The code and issue tracker are hosted on Github:
- Extensions to the dateutil module to support time resolution in multiple languages
- Utc time can be returned based on the time zone parameter
dtxg can be installed from PyPI using pip:
from dtxg.parser import parse, UtcTime, country_tz # test2 a = parse(" Thứ ba, 18/6/2019 | 4:41:27 Chiều", language='西班牙语', tzinfo='UTC', country=None, fuzzy=True) print(a) # test2 utctime = UtcTime(language='西班牙语', country='中国') a = utctime.parse(" Thứ ba, 18/6/2019 | 4:41:27 Chiều", fuzzy=True) print(a) print(country_tz.country_tz) 查看各国时区(即country_tz的有效参数) print(country_tz.country_language) 查看各国语言(即language的有效参数) pytz.all_timezones 查看所有地区时区,(即tzinfo的有效参数) lanauge 传入时间字符串的语言种类 tzinfo 时区 country 国家,用于tzinfo为空时获取时区信息 fuzzy 模糊匹配 返回utc时间 没有解析到时间会抛出异常 可识别 "2019-06-10T08:00:00-05:00" "UTC", "GMT", "Z", "z" 优先识别字符串中的时区,其次识别tzinfo传入的时区,如果两者都没有,则以传入country的首都时区返回utc时间, 如果都为空,则返回原时间
We welcome many types of contributions - bug reports, pull requests (code, infrastructure or documentation fixes). For more information about how to contribute to the project, see the
file in the repository.