These are testing and training codes for Generic-ADMM-CSNet in "ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing" (TPAMI 2019)
If you use thses codes, please cite our paper:
[1] Yan Yang, Jian Sun, Huibin Li, Zongben Xu. ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing (TPAMI 2019).
All rights are reserved by the authors.
Yan Yang -2019/04/10. For more detail or traning data, feel free to contact: passwards:sdsq
Three folders.
1). 'Generic-ADMM-CSNet-ComplexMRI' are testing and training codes to reconstruct complex-valued MR images with 1D Cartesian masks and 2D random masks.
2). 'Generic-ADMM-CSNet-RealMRI' are testing and training codes to reconstruct real-valued MR images with the Pseudo radial mask.
3). 'Generic-ADMM-CSNet-Image' are testing and training codes to reconstruct natural images with the randomly permuted coded diffraction operators and Walsh-Hadamard operators. -
For testing the trained network for a single image.
('./Generic-ADMM-CSNet-Image/main_ADMM_CSNet_test.m')1). Load trained network with different stages in main_ADMM_CSNet_test.m.
If you apply ADMM-CSNet to reconstruct other MR or natural images, it is best to re-train the models.E.g., The model './net/NET-1D-Cartesian-0.2-complex-S10.mat' is the ADMM-CSNet with 10 stages trained from 100 complex-valued MR images using 1D Cartesian mask with 20% sampling rate. The model './net/NET-Pseudo-radial-0.2-real-S11.mat' is the network with 11 stages trained from 100 real-valued MR images using Pseudo radial mask with 20% sampling rate. The model './net/Net-Diffraction-0.05-S10.mat' is the network with 10 stages trained from 100 real-valued natural images using coded diffraction operator with 5% sampling rate.
2). Load test image in main_ADMM_CSNet_test.m
The images in './data/Brain_complex_data', './data/Brain_real_data', './data/Image' are fully-sampled images.3). Load sampling mask or operator with different sampling ratios in main_ADMM_CSNet_test.m
E.g., The mask './mask/1D-Cartesian-0.2.mat' is a 1D Cartesian mask with 20% sampling rate. The mask './mask/D-0.1.mat' is a coded diffraction operator with 10% sampling rate.
4). Network testing setting (network structure or training setting) is in 'config.m '.
5). To test our ADMM-CSNet, run 'main_ADMM_CSNet_test.m'
For testing the trained network for our testing dataset.
('./Generic-ADMM-CSNet-Image/AverageTesting.m')1). Load trained network with different stages in AverageTesting.m.
If you apply ADMM-CSNet to reconstruct other MR or natural images, it is best to re-train the models.E.g., The model './net/NET-1D-Cartesian-0.2-complex-S10.mat' is the ADMM-CSNet with 10 stages trained from 100 complex-valued MR images using 1D Cartesian mask with 20% sampling rate. The model './net/NET-Pseudo-radial-0.2-real-S11.mat' is the network with 11 stages trained from 100 real-valued MR images using Pseudo radial mask with 20% sampling rate. The model './net/Net-Diffraction-0.05-S10.mat' is the network with 10 stages trained from 100 real-valued natural images using coded diffraction operator with 5% sampling rate.
2). Set the data_dir of testing dataset ans load the correspongding mask in AverageTesting.m
E.g., data_dir = './data/DATA-1D-Cartesian-0.2-complex-brain/test/' is the testing dataset including 100 complex-valued brain MR image with 20% 1D-Cartesian mask. data_dir = './data/Testingdata/Sdata10/D/D_0.1_1/' is the first testing dataset including 10 standard image with 10% coded diffraction operator. data_dir = './data/DATA-Pseudo-radial-0.2-real-brain/test/'is the testing dataset including 50 real-valued brain MR image with 20% Pseudo radial mask.
3). Network testing setting (network structure or training setting) is in 'config.m '.
4). To test our ADMM-CSNet, run 'AverageTesting.m'
For re-training the ADMM-CSNets
1). Set the data_dir of training dataset ans load the correspongding mask in L_BFGSnetTrain.m.
2). Modify the network setting and trainging setting in 'config.m '.
3). To train ADMM-CSNet by L-BFGS algorithm, run ' L_BFGSnetTrain.m' .
4). After training, the trained network and the training error are saved in './Train_output'.