Stereo Cam and LiDAR calibration
There are 3 mains parts for the code in the src folder:
BetweenCalibFactor: 3D relative pose factor with calibration parameters
PlaneCalibMapFactor: plane measurement factor with calibration parameters (with targets)
StereoCalibMapFactor: stereo measurement (point) factor with calibration parameters (with targets)
StereoMapFactor: stereo measurement factor (with targets)
stereo image processing, point cloud processing and init data reading
imgRect: rectify the stereo images, extract the chessboard pattern
initData: read the configure file, the initial value for the parameters
plcProd: process the point cloud to get the plane pcl (not clean right now)
imgrect_XX: for the image rectification
main_camlidar: for the calibration between the camera and lidar (Not done yet)